Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Moments :)

Haha! I love this video! I had just gotten home from work and Abi was a little fussy, so I took her in our room while I changed my clothes so she could be with me... I laid on the bed and she just started laughing! It was so much fun because she doesn't laugh much and she kept it up for about 10 minutes! I'm so glad Kris thought to tape it!

Abi's had a lot of firsts this week! Her first Christmas of course (which I'll hopefully get around to posting pictures of soon!), she started sitting up, she got her second tooth (and I'm so glad - its been swollen up like a blister for 2 weeks), she started making actually syllable sounds, and she held herself up on her hands and knees!! My, what an eventful week! I so love watching her - its all so amazing!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Little Babes Attacks the Tree!

Her Dad taught her to play with the tree. :) Abi loves the ornaments - how can ya resist letting her play? She's so funny with her little hands - hasn't quite mastered bending her fingers yet. She just pokes at everything with stiff finger tips for the most part. Although - she did figure out how to grab the ball with both and pull it right off the tree a few times! So proud of herself too. :)

6 month shots...

Every month it seems to get a little harder to get Abi's pictures. The more mobile she gets, the harder it is to get her to sit for even 5 seconds! This kid has energy! And sitting still is not in her vocabulary. She's very much a go getter. I have trouble getting her to sit because every time she catches her balance she does a nose dive for whatever has caught her fancy! She is always on the move and into whatever she can reach - I'm sure she'll be crawling soon and I'm nervous. I don't think I have enough energy...

6 months old! (Dec. 2nd)

Hmmm...what can I get into?

I'm getting a little tired of this now!!!

Please, for goodness sake stop!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

First Christmas tree for Babe...

Abi's first Christmas tree!!! Be ware the loud, shrill, piercing noises! Abi has taken to discovering her vocal chords... She likes it better the louder and higher pitched it is! :)

First tooth!

(12-3-08) Not much to show for it, but this was the day Abi got her first tooth! She looks pretty tired doesn't she? She actually did really really well with it all. She had more trouble with the fact that she had to get 4 shots later in the day. She's always done fine with her shots, but they wanted her to have a flu shot this time and it seemed to be more painful for her... It was a really bad night. She was fine for the afternoon, but all of a sudden started crying and screaming inconsolably for about an hour. No matter what I did I couldn't get her to stop, and it was the saddest cry I ever heard! I finally put her on the floor on a pillow and laid down next to her to try to hold her still. Every time she moved her leg she was hysterical again! It was horrible! She spent the rest of that evening on the floor! I dread her having to get the other half of her flu shot in a couple weeks - why on earth do they have to do it in 2 parts???

She's been working on another tooth ever since to first one came in. I'm starting to wonder when its ever going to come through! Her little gum is swollen up bigger than the tooth that's already been in for 2 weeks. Its starting to look like a blister... I hope its OK. If it doesn't come through soon, I might just have to call the Pediatrician - I've never seen a blister looking tooth, but then I've never had an infant teething before!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thanksgiving #2 cont.

Competition continues...

One more face to grab! This is such a wonderful day...

Father and daughter :)

Sisters :)

I like my uncles and Grandparents cause they always let me do things my parents won't let me do!

Thanksgiving #2

Thanksgiving #2 was at Morgan and Amy's house on Saturday evening. Once again we ate like we had never seen food before! Amy you did a fabulous job! :)

Abi loves to grab faces - not sure what that's all about!

Our lovely host and hostess - please don't disturb Morgan - He's trying to think...

I would like to have that hot mulled cidar please - it looks very yummy!

The table is set!

Gotta say, I like big family meals! I wish everyone else was there though - I miss the rest of my peeps...

Maybe this gramma has something that I can get into... Hmmm...

Oh, yup... There it is... A red napkin - sweet!

And the competition begins...

Linea and Abi...

Its been a long day and someone needs a little nap... though if only for a few minutes!

Thanksgiving #1

For some reason we didn't get a whole lot of pictures Thanksgiving day - I think we forgot to pull out the camera! But here are a few! We went to Kris' parents house and had a lovely time... all the while eating WAY too much!

Abi loves Nana's fan - she looked for it first thing!

Thanks to Mercy, Abi's feet were dressed in style! And thanks to Grampa, Abi had the appropriate bib for the occasion!

Still looking at that fan! I'm thinking the white tights don't do anything for her except make the legs look much chunkier than they actually are!

Now, Grampa, If I could just have this piece of paper from you pocket...

Yup, that's the one. Thanks. It looks very yummy... ...let me try it...

Family pic... Back Row: Kris, Jessamyn, Patrick (Kris' nephew), Corey (Kris' niece)
Front Row: Mom, Kenny (Kris' step dad), Abi, Kevin (Jen's boyfriend), Jen (Kris' sister)

Cousins! :)

With Mom and Dad :)

(11-28-08) Abi with mom and dad... I love to kiss her little face!

An exceptionally rare snugly moment!

Dad teaches her about mirrors...
Abi and Dad - a very cute couple if I do say so myself!

Baby things...

(11-23-08) Abi discovers the coo-coo-clock for the first time... Having a little trouble seeing it!

(11-23-08) Sometime in the evening this is the only way to get her to take a little nap so that she'll make it through the evening before bedtime! If I were to lay her in her bed she'd wake up immediately, and trust me - sitting here with her sleeping is better than listening to her scream! Besides - this is how I get my facebook on! :)

(11-27-08) Just a couple pics of my beautiful little babe :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Under-Table Mechanic!

(11-19-08) Never set a child down and walk away once they're old enough to move! Now - in my own defence - she's never moved around before - not this much anyway! I set her down on the blanket on the floor and went to put my hair up. I was only gone for a couple minutes and when I went back in to check on her she was under the table! I'm sure there was something very important to fix under there! She can't crawl, but she sure can get around! Don't mind the bib - she never can keep that down where it goes!

Don't worry Mom! I'll fix it!!

I've ...almost... GOT IT! I'm almost done here!

Hey! That flash is a little distracting! Could you stop? I've got work to do here!

November! (I'm that behind!)

OK - I don't think its possible to be any further behind with all my posting.... Since I can't figure a good way to catch up quickly and have everything make sense, I think that I'll just do a couple posts throughout the day as I have time and try to get caught up!

(11-6-08) This was the day that I decided Abi was done with her swing! Not that I couldn't strap her in, but she hates that - and a screaming baby in a swing is not a happy baby in a swing! She was actually reaching up and grabbing the leg with her hand and hanging on till the weight of her body made the swing snap back... silly girl!

(11-6-08) "I just think I'm pretty hot stuff!"

(11-7-08) Abi playing video game with her dad - or should I say watching the red remote and wishing that she could get at it!

(11-9-08) Friends of ours gave us a wonderful gift certificate to Babies R Us. It was just in time to get Abi a new toy after she outgrew her swing! What a blessing!

(11-13-08) Thanks Grampa! I love your new phone!

(11-13-08) And Gramma's hair is another perfect toy!

(11-13-08) I am in fact a little embarrassed that I let her go out with not a single thing that she's wearing matching! But she was so cute sleeping there that I had to take a picture!

(11-13-08) My beautiful sleeping baby :) So peaceful!

Abi's eye...

I'm SO excited!!! When Abi was born she had a clogged tear duct in her right eye which caused the eye not to drain. Up till now it would get really goopy all the time and water easily. We had to wash her eye a couple times a day and constantly keep a cloth close by to clean it again. I kept mentioning it to the pediatrician, but she said that they wouldn't do anything about it till Abi was a year old. If it didn't clear up by then she'd probably have to have surgery. I was starting to get worried because she's 6 months old and it wasn't showing any signs of clearing up at all... Well - last Wednesday (Dec 10th) I noticed that when she woke up in the morning her eye was completely clean and clear! I has been ever since!! I'm so happy and relieved and grateful that God took care of it! :) (Now we don't have to make sure her eye is OK before taking pictures!)

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Last night...

I think I have about a million pictures from this past month to post, but I don't have them ready yet - and it takes so much time to get them ready! So in the mean time I figured I'd post a couple videos from last night. :) The first one was actually her rapped in her towel - she loves bath time, and especially loves noody time afterward. She really would rather never have to wear clothes!

Abigail now loves all things red and all things shiny :) She loves to try to get the nobs on the living room table, but gets very frustrated when she tries from a standing position. She'll bend over to try to bite it but her head gets stuck on the table edge. It looks so funny, but she gets angry pretty quickly - so i made her sit to play with it this time... She doesn't really like sitting either - she'd so much rather be on her feet all the time!