Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thanksgiving #1

For some reason we didn't get a whole lot of pictures Thanksgiving day - I think we forgot to pull out the camera! But here are a few! We went to Kris' parents house and had a lovely time... all the while eating WAY too much!

Abi loves Nana's fan - she looked for it first thing!

Thanks to Mercy, Abi's feet were dressed in style! And thanks to Grampa, Abi had the appropriate bib for the occasion!

Still looking at that fan! I'm thinking the white tights don't do anything for her except make the legs look much chunkier than they actually are!

Now, Grampa, If I could just have this piece of paper from you pocket...

Yup, that's the one. Thanks. It looks very yummy... ...let me try it...

Family pic... Back Row: Kris, Jessamyn, Patrick (Kris' nephew), Corey (Kris' niece)
Front Row: Mom, Kenny (Kris' step dad), Abi, Kevin (Jen's boyfriend), Jen (Kris' sister)

Cousins! :)

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