Tuesday, December 16, 2008

November! (I'm that behind!)

OK - I don't think its possible to be any further behind with all my posting.... Since I can't figure a good way to catch up quickly and have everything make sense, I think that I'll just do a couple posts throughout the day as I have time and try to get caught up!

(11-6-08) This was the day that I decided Abi was done with her swing! Not that I couldn't strap her in, but she hates that - and a screaming baby in a swing is not a happy baby in a swing! She was actually reaching up and grabbing the leg with her hand and hanging on till the weight of her body made the swing snap back... silly girl!

(11-6-08) "I just think I'm pretty hot stuff!"

(11-7-08) Abi playing video game with her dad - or should I say watching the red remote and wishing that she could get at it!

(11-9-08) Friends of ours gave us a wonderful gift certificate to Babies R Us. It was just in time to get Abi a new toy after she outgrew her swing! What a blessing!

(11-13-08) Thanks Grampa! I love your new phone!

(11-13-08) And Gramma's hair is another perfect toy!

(11-13-08) I am in fact a little embarrassed that I let her go out with not a single thing that she's wearing matching! But she was so cute sleeping there that I had to take a picture!

(11-13-08) My beautiful sleeping baby :) So peaceful!

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