Thursday, December 18, 2008

First tooth!

(12-3-08) Not much to show for it, but this was the day Abi got her first tooth! She looks pretty tired doesn't she? She actually did really really well with it all. She had more trouble with the fact that she had to get 4 shots later in the day. She's always done fine with her shots, but they wanted her to have a flu shot this time and it seemed to be more painful for her... It was a really bad night. She was fine for the afternoon, but all of a sudden started crying and screaming inconsolably for about an hour. No matter what I did I couldn't get her to stop, and it was the saddest cry I ever heard! I finally put her on the floor on a pillow and laid down next to her to try to hold her still. Every time she moved her leg she was hysterical again! It was horrible! She spent the rest of that evening on the floor! I dread her having to get the other half of her flu shot in a couple weeks - why on earth do they have to do it in 2 parts???

She's been working on another tooth ever since to first one came in. I'm starting to wonder when its ever going to come through! Her little gum is swollen up bigger than the tooth that's already been in for 2 weeks. Its starting to look like a blister... I hope its OK. If it doesn't come through soon, I might just have to call the Pediatrician - I've never seen a blister looking tooth, but then I've never had an infant teething before!

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