Sunday, November 30, 2008


I'm discovering that so far 6 months is my favorite baby stage... :) I'm baffled and amazed at the seeming innumerable things that Abi learns every day! Its a feeling that I can't express to watch a baby learn about life. Today Abigail got her toes into her mouth by herself for the first time - its was so cute! She's been playing with her feet for about 7 weeks, but never tried to put them in her mouth before. She knows her name and no matter who is trying to get her attention, she will look and then smile with a huge grin as if to say, "Yes, I'm cute and I know it. I'm Also very important and you better know it!"

A couple days ago she discovered her shadow for the first time - it was so funny. Took me a couple seconds to realize what she was staring at! Then she started trying to get it and I was cracking up. How could I ever take the little things in life so for granted? So incredible to watch an infant learn about all the things that we've given up noticing so long ago...!!!

Abi also loves the color red (as I'm pretty sure do all babies!) and all things shiny. She tries to get the remotes, phones and computer mouse all the time and Kris' red x-box controller is a must have! I was looking at old pictures tonight and she was so excited that her whole little body started to shake. She notices everything new. She notices when I wear a new sweater and tries to grab at it. She notices every new toy and won't play with old ones any more once a new one is introduced. She's constantly gotta be on the go and trying to discover new things! I'm sure that as soon as she figures out how to crawl her poor mother will be in trouble! She's figured out how to get around without crawling. If she lays on her back and picks her but up she can push herself around quite nicely! And she does! I left her on the floor for about 2 minutes the other day and when I looked she was under the living room table inspecting and manipulating it's underside! Crazy little baby. :) I can't believe how much I love her. I never get tired of watching her and all her discovering. I marvel and am amazed continuously...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I forgot!

I totally forgot to mention something very important! :) I'm so happy - I've lost all my "baby weight" as of Nov. 13th!!! Such a good feeling! I still have a few more pounds to go to get where I need to be, but I'm smaller now than I have been in almost 6 years! Yay!

A little of this, A little of that...

I should be working right now, but since I'm not I figured I would take a little time to log some happenings... My blog has become a baby journal and I often forget to put anything else in here. Guess that makes sense really - that is my life right now... ...all things baby! :)

Abi has been teething for about 3 months now, but with no progress. Just chewing on anything and everything that she can get in her mouth and drooling so exceedingly much! Well, this week on Monday I noticed that her bottom gum is actually swollen in the front - so I do believe that she is finally working on cutting teeth. Two at once no less! She's actually been remarkably pleasant for teething, but she's reverted back to not sleeping well for her naps especially so she gets very overtired and cranky by the evening. I don't know if that's teething related or if its something else... Someone told me the other day that 6 months can generally be a time were kids go through changes and it can mess up there sleeping habits. Who knows?!! Not me - I just know that I wish she would nap better! That's when I get the break I need and without it I get a little stressed! Hey - Did I just say 6 months!??! I can't believe that my little baby will be 6 months already next week... where does the time go? Oh, side note on napping... Abi has developed a lovely talent - no matter what time I lay her down for her morning nap she will poop 45 minutes later thus waking her up and destroying any plans for further napping! I don't get it! How does she do it - and for 2 weeks straight. Doesn't matter what time I lay her down - I can try keeping her up longer and it still happens! Doesn't even matter if she's just pooped before that nap - it will still happen! Silly little baby - I hope this will stop soon - its very frustrating!

Work - not much to say - I haven't hardly worked all month. I've worked exactly 2 days this month to be precise. I'm so grateful for God's provision. At the same time that I've been getting no work, Kris has been working an out-of-town job which gives him a higher pay rate. What a blessing - God works all these things out! Its funny really - Kris and I both wanted for me not to have to work at all once we had kids, but that sadly just isn't possible. I need to work just 8 days a month and that pays the mortgage. Needless to say, its actually kinda nice not to have had to work much this month, but the waiting in limbo gets to me. I'm very OCD and I like to plan everything out. It frustrates me to plan all week on working a certain day - then I get up that day, get everything ready and plan to drop Abi off with a friend and go in to work at 3 only to get a phone call at 1 and say - "don't come in." Then my whole day changes and half of what I've done that day is unnecessary. Its a little frustrating. I knew this could happen when I went per-diam, but I didn't think it would go on for this long. Its hard for me not to worry about the "what ifs" too - what if this doesn't change? Will I need to look for a new job? Who knows... Kris keeps having to remind me that we are doing fine and to role with the punches - that's hard for me. But then - again - Maybe that's exactly why this is happening now. I need to learn all over again to rely on God and let him take care of us. For too long we could do just fine on our own. I guess I was too confident in our own abilities - Kinda makes us forget about God and all that He's done for us! I guess I'm grateful for the things in life that help me to get my focus back...

I'm thinking today about our small group and spending some time praying. Kris and I have been small group leaders for a few years now, and its been good. Sometimes harder than others, but good. Its something that we believe God has for us to do and are glad for the opportunity. Its kind of like pastoring a small group of people, but for a while I haven't really felt like we've had the opportunity or necessity to do much of that.... till now. We have a lot of people in our group going through hard times right now. I feel blessed to be able to be there for them, and yet almost overwhelmed - yet only for a moment till I realize that its all in God's very capable hands. Thank God that He is really in charge and knows all things before they happen. I'm praying that I will be at the place in my own walk with God that I need to be in order to minister to and help all these people - our friends.

What else is up? Hmmm - do you have any idea how badly I just want to get the leaves picked up in the yard. I can't believe how hard it is to get to things like that with an infant! How on earth did I think that I would have all this time since I'm home all the time??? Some days I feel really bad, because I feel like I don't get nearly as much done as I should have.... I know that Kris doesn't think this, but sometimes I think to myself that If I was him coming home from work at the end of a hard day, he could look around and say "what on earth do you do all day?" He never has and I know that he understands, but somehow I feel like I should be able to do so much more than I do! Its crazy.

OK, I can't think of anything else to write about right now and I have other important things to do! Must finish dishes, finish laundry, pay the bills and then we'll see if Abner is still sleeping. :) Sorry Merc - I'll try to get to more pictures after that! :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

5 Months :)

My little baby is 5 months old already.... How can that be? I can't believe how big she is and how fast the time has gone! She's growing so quickly and doing new things every day... I love to watch as everything unfolds. Its so amazing to be a mom. :)

Highchair series :)

I cannot just sit! I must explore! I must figure it all out - I have things to discover, things to study, things to learn!!! Let me do my thing...
Oh, Hi! How are you? I'm too cute and I know it...
Ok - here's my wave! I have said my hellos now let me be - I have things to learn!
:) Ummm... why are you still taking pictures?
Helloooo..... I'm ready to eat now - please stop with the pictures and give me food! I love my food!!!


A few pics of our friends Fred, Bridget, Molly and (?). I'm so thankful for our friendship with them! Kris and I were frustrated for a long time that we didn't really have close Christian friends - now we do. Our friendship has grown so much and we are so grateful for you guys! We love you!
Ha! I love the faces that Molly makes! She is such a cute kid!

Couple pics...

Just a couple pictures of the babe being cute on the livingroom floor! She just started this week to pic her legs up under her a little bit. She's not great at it, but she seems to be getting a little closer to crawling... :) It probably will be a while, but it still amaizing how much she can move herself around without crawling yet.

Morgan and Amy came over the other day and watched Abi so we could go to a birthday party together. Its always nice to get out for a little bit. For the longest time we didn't really want to leave her with anyone since she was so fussy all the time. I'm so happy that she's happier. We enjoy her more all the time and its a little easier to let someone watch her so we can get out together!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Jumpy Seat

We all love this thing! Abi has a blast in it and can play there happily for half and hour! That's huge!! That means I can cook dinner now while she plays right next to me. Half an hour where is isn't demanding our undivided attention. Sweet :)

Spitting and Blowing Bubbles

We have mastered a new skill. We call it "Spitting and Bubble Blowing!!!" Woohoo! Its all fun and games until we're trying to feed her! At which point we both need a bath when we're done... Ugh!

Little Lady Bug

I don't feel like getting into it at the moment, but I struggle greatly with the whole issue of Halloween. I grew up extremely conservative and we were never allowed to celebrate Halloween or have anything to do with it. It's hard for me to think of it in any other way... I wish the day didn't exist and I didn't have to think about it... Anyway - we usually go to the Novak's (Kris' friends from high school) to see their kids costumes etc. Someone gave me this ladybug costume for Abi when I first got pregnant - before I had even decided to do her bedroom in ladybugs. So cute I can't stand it! She only wore the costume for about 20 minutes before she was too hot in it!

Sam and Willow with Abigail. Sam was so proud of himself for holding her up! :)

How cute is this?!! Sam wanted her to try them on. At first she kept turning her head all over trying to get them off. Then she calmed right down and didn't seem to care. She was actually looking cross-eyed through the cracks by her nose! Silly little baby!

Hey... What can I say? At least they matched our outfits!

Mid October

Just a few cute pictures. (Hmmm... My blog seems to have become nothing but pictures of my cutest baby ever!) When we lay Abi on her back on the floor she grabs our hands and tries to pull herself up. She isn't strong enough and needs help, but she is a strong little thing. She loves to stand! For the longest time as soon as we pulled her up to standing she'd immediately go straight to chewing on our fingers! :)

Adoring moments :)

We went outside so Abi could play with her toes in the grass. She really liked it - it was fun to watch how excited she got about it.

I'm sad that she wasn't big enough to wear this top much before it got too cold. I love it! One of my favorite Dr. friends at work gave it to us. Jen (Dr. White) is quite partial to Abi and thinks she looks just like she did as a baby. She's a red head too and is pleased as punch that Abi has ready hair! :)


We took a trip up to NH a few weeks ago to see Kris' grandparents. Aren't they just the cutest couple ever?!! :) I love them. Abi got to meet her great-grandparents for the first time. Its a 3 1/2 hour trip each way - all done in one day. We couldn't believe how well Abi did for such a long trip at just 4 months - especially since she usually doesn't like the car! Gram isn't doing very well, which makes Kris and I really sad. I hope we didn't overwhelm her too much, but wanted her to see Abi while she would remember who we all were.

Four generations... Kris and Abi with Kris' Mom and Grandparents.

And Jenn, Corey and Patrick (Kris' sister, niece and nephew.)


She started rolling over at about 3 1/2 months, but only did it a few times and hasn't been interested since. Every once in a while she'll go just this far and can't pull her hands out of her mouth long enough to get over the rest of the way! :) Take a look at those thighs! They stick out an inch from her waist!!

We call her "nudey babe" for short. She loves to have her clothes of and gets quite upset when we start to put them back on. Sorry Abi - winter is coming and the days are getting colder! Not to mention yesterday you just came down with your second cold in 4 short weeks! Poor little baby :(
We had several really nice warm days in October and did our best to enjoy them! Abi was quite happy to set in the stroller and play with her toys and just look around while we went for good long walks. She has always loved being outside since she was born - I'm sad that I can't take her out much anymore - just too cold.

Cute baby :)