Sunday, November 30, 2008


I'm discovering that so far 6 months is my favorite baby stage... :) I'm baffled and amazed at the seeming innumerable things that Abi learns every day! Its a feeling that I can't express to watch a baby learn about life. Today Abigail got her toes into her mouth by herself for the first time - its was so cute! She's been playing with her feet for about 7 weeks, but never tried to put them in her mouth before. She knows her name and no matter who is trying to get her attention, she will look and then smile with a huge grin as if to say, "Yes, I'm cute and I know it. I'm Also very important and you better know it!"

A couple days ago she discovered her shadow for the first time - it was so funny. Took me a couple seconds to realize what she was staring at! Then she started trying to get it and I was cracking up. How could I ever take the little things in life so for granted? So incredible to watch an infant learn about all the things that we've given up noticing so long ago...!!!

Abi also loves the color red (as I'm pretty sure do all babies!) and all things shiny. She tries to get the remotes, phones and computer mouse all the time and Kris' red x-box controller is a must have! I was looking at old pictures tonight and she was so excited that her whole little body started to shake. She notices everything new. She notices when I wear a new sweater and tries to grab at it. She notices every new toy and won't play with old ones any more once a new one is introduced. She's constantly gotta be on the go and trying to discover new things! I'm sure that as soon as she figures out how to crawl her poor mother will be in trouble! She's figured out how to get around without crawling. If she lays on her back and picks her but up she can push herself around quite nicely! And she does! I left her on the floor for about 2 minutes the other day and when I looked she was under the living room table inspecting and manipulating it's underside! Crazy little baby. :) I can't believe how much I love her. I never get tired of watching her and all her discovering. I marvel and am amazed continuously...

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