Saturday, November 01, 2008


She started rolling over at about 3 1/2 months, but only did it a few times and hasn't been interested since. Every once in a while she'll go just this far and can't pull her hands out of her mouth long enough to get over the rest of the way! :) Take a look at those thighs! They stick out an inch from her waist!!

We call her "nudey babe" for short. She loves to have her clothes of and gets quite upset when we start to put them back on. Sorry Abi - winter is coming and the days are getting colder! Not to mention yesterday you just came down with your second cold in 4 short weeks! Poor little baby :(
We had several really nice warm days in October and did our best to enjoy them! Abi was quite happy to set in the stroller and play with her toys and just look around while we went for good long walks. She has always loved being outside since she was born - I'm sad that I can't take her out much anymore - just too cold.

Cute baby :)

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