Monday, February 27, 2006

February 26, 2006 (moved from yahoo360)

...dreaming of a much warmer place...
Oh, the odd things that we do! This was an attempt at a photo for DPChallenge by Kris. He didn't like it as much as I did. We were actually hoping for a slightly warmer day. I think it was less than 5 degrees and windy while we were working on this. The picture looks warmer than it really is! Kris was looking for a picture that portrayed "comfort." Looks to me like this works - sadly I think that he lost 3 finger during the filming of this project! (That hammock really is extreemly comfortable - I'm thinking that will be up somewhere this summer!) You can't tell, but I'm actually looking at a book on Maui... Oh, how I would love to be there right now! I'm pretty sure that no other vacation will ever compare. Anyhow, this picture made me laugh and I really liked it so here it is.

February 17, 2006 (moved from yahoo360)

...This is why I don't snow-board...
This is my darling, dear sister - Mercy. She broke her collar bone last month while snowboarding. Notice the nice "rolled-forward" effect. She really did a very good job! I don't want to do such a good job. I don't snow-board. Actually, I tried it a couple times years ago out in the "back- 40." I wasn't too bad at it really, but for some reason - now I'm a scaredy-cat.
On the other hand... Are you all watching the Olympics? I love them - escpecially the winter olympics. I love to WATCH the snowboarding, skiing, skating and all other dangerous sports. I've been glued to the tube all week!

February 11, 2006 (moved from yahoo360)

I wonder if anyone really reads these things anyway... just a question - am I just writing them for myself? I've never liked writing, and yet I seem to be addicted to the computer lately. OK, I know - I'm odd...
...anyway, I just wanted to mention that I did pass the ACLS certification class I mentioned in my last blog. I'm now qualified to run to codes and save more lives. It's funny really - I never thought that I would be a cardiac nurse. I didn't think that that was the area that I wanted to be in, but I'm enjoying it. I also never realized that I would have to keep taking so many classes after graduation!!! Somehow I thought that I was done for now. I already have about 200 continuing education credit hours since May when i graduated!
ok... that's all I have for tonight... that and another picture to share... my Honey always makes me look good!!

January 31, 2006 (moved from yahoo360)

So, here it is another day...
Vegas was wonderful! If you want to see the pictures (or at least a few of them since we took hundreds and didn't want to take all the time or space to put them all up), go check 'em out on my lovely Husband's website: And, by the way, if you haven't signed up as a member yet, you should! (shameless plug) Anyway - we had a wonderful time on our little mini-vacation. Our feet were tired after all the walking, but we saw tons of cool stuff. If you've ever heard that the Blue Man Group is not a good shoe, I would advise that you go back and tell them that they are wrong (politely of course). We went to see them and it was an awesome show!
In other news, I spent the day in classes today... I have to take ACLS (advanced cardiac life support). Its the high and lofty verson of BLS (basic life support or in other words CPR) wich will mean that if I pass I will be forced to carry the "code-blue" beeper and run my little fanny to all the codes and give people shocks (defibrilate). It's true, I'm scared - codes always scare me, but its better when I know that someone else is in charge instead of me! Anyway, It was 8 long hours of class today, and next tuesday will be another 8 hours of testing! Did I just say that? Yes, 8 (eight) hours of testing!!!!
Hope you are all having a lovely day!!!

January 25, 2006 (moved from yahoo360)

The time has come... head to Vegas!!! Kris and I will be leaving tomorrow morning at 4am to head to the air-port and off to Las Vegas. No, we aren't going to gamble, what are you thinking? Kris has been a couple times - once just by himself to take pictures. This will be my first time. I'm just excited to see the sights and lights. What an early morning it will be... sigh... so nice to be still young and full of energy! Actually I'm sure that we won't get much sleep, but who cares. Vacations are about having fun and cramming as much in as possible, right? We've been looking forward to this ever since we got back from Hawaii on our honeymoon. The plan is to hopefully go on a few nice vacations over the next couple of years before we have kids. Of course the things that we plan aren't always what happens! We'll see...
Sunday is my birthday... Wish me a happy one!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

January 19, 2006 (moved from yahoo360)

So, here I am... never one to blog. However, more and more of my friends seem to be on here and I'd like to try to keep up with everyone. :) I'm afraid that my attempts at blogging will be poor...
Just a few things about me...
I graduated from nursing school in May and am working full time as a Cardiac nurse. Its a hard but fulfulling job... I think that after 8 months I am finally starting to feel comfortable with what I'm doing!!!
I also got married in May! Never did I dream that God had the plans to bless me so fully! I'm amaized every day at the blessings of marriage and at how wonderful it is to share my life with a wonderful guy who loves me and loves God and can share with me all that is most important in my life.
Well, friends, here is my primitive start... Hopefully there will be more to follow. I pray that you are all blessed by God and that His work in your lives is great!!!
-jessamyn milo :)