Sunday, February 26, 2006

January 19, 2006 (moved from yahoo360)

So, here I am... never one to blog. However, more and more of my friends seem to be on here and I'd like to try to keep up with everyone. :) I'm afraid that my attempts at blogging will be poor...
Just a few things about me...
I graduated from nursing school in May and am working full time as a Cardiac nurse. Its a hard but fulfulling job... I think that after 8 months I am finally starting to feel comfortable with what I'm doing!!!
I also got married in May! Never did I dream that God had the plans to bless me so fully! I'm amaized every day at the blessings of marriage and at how wonderful it is to share my life with a wonderful guy who loves me and loves God and can share with me all that is most important in my life.
Well, friends, here is my primitive start... Hopefully there will be more to follow. I pray that you are all blessed by God and that His work in your lives is great!!!
-jessamyn milo :)

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