Thursday, August 07, 2008


I neglected to mention this:

Abi started sleeping thought the night a week ago (July 29th) at 8 weeks old!!

Kris and I took a parenting class at church before she was born that guaranteed that if we did things a certain way she'd be sleeping through the night 8 hours by 8 weeks and 12 hours by 12 weeks... Hmmm... we tore our hair out with a VERY fussy baby for about 5-6 weeks thinking that absolutely nothing was working. Then all of a sudden on a beautiful Wednesday morning - I woke up at 6am and realized that it was light outside and I hadn't gotten up during the night! Abi had slept 9 1/2 hours. And she's done it faithfully every night since! We still have a little trouble getting her to fall asleep, but I'm not complaining! Oh, what beautiful nights!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So happy to see the smiling pictures of Abi! So cute!
