Thursday, July 31, 2008

Too cute...

Just had to post this most adorable picture that I took with my phone today! She woke up from her second nap in such a happy mood. She lay on the floor cooing and smiling for half an hour. It was my favoritest time with her so far!!! I love you Babe. :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Just thought I'd put a little note of my shock in here... Abi slept 9 hours last night. She hasn't gone more that 5 in a couple weeks and I was getting discouraged again. It was funny - I woke up at 2:30 when she usually does and was so surprised that all was quiet! I lay in bed just waiting for her to wake up and she never did till 6am!

Last week she finally started to get onto somewhat of a schedule - what a relief! She started sleeping better for naps and consequently being a much happier babe. Then over the weekend I was in Statia's wedding and that threw everything for a loop! :) I had the rehearsal on Friday, but she was OK that evening. The wedding was an evening wedding with the reception on the Captain JP Cruise. It was lovely, but being on the boat for 4 hours where it was noisy got her overstimulated and all messed up - plus she was about 2 hours late for her bedtime. Its funny really - she did so well all that day, but I was so stressed worrying about what it would do to her! (Statia - if you're reading this I'm not complaining - just journaling... :) It was a lovely wedding!) Anyway - little Abigail was all messed up for a couple days, but she's getting beautifully back on track. I'm amazed at how much of a happier baby she is when she naps well - its incredible. Now - hopefully she'll sleep well again tonight!

On a side note, Kris is practicing to run a 5K at the end of Sept. I think that just about everyone else I know is running now too... Starts to make me think that I want to - may be a good way to loose weight! I was 185 when Abi was born and I'm down to 160 now... But I have been for about a month. I have 25 lbs to go to be where I want to be (only 15 to be down to pre-pregnancy weight). Seems hard to get there, but I want to very much. I don't think I'm a runner, but Kris went running tonight and it seemed like fun... we'll see. I think that I'll have to get about 3 heavy-duty sports bras and layer them up... Hmmm...

Monday, July 21, 2008

My baby screameth...

Took us a few days to get it between crying episodes, but we were able to get Abi's 1 month picture. (It's a couple weeks old now, but I'm just getting to post it...)

Abi loves her bath - this seems to be one thing that keeps her happy even in the middle of her cranky periods!

Just a couple of pictures that I thought were very cute! Gotta love the double chin in the first pic! I think its such a cute pic. And of course an adorable one of Abi and Dad...

Friday, July 18, 2008

A few good nights.

Tuesday night - 7 hours.
Wednesday night - 5 hours.
Thursday night - 6 hours.

Today I'm happy - feeling a little encouraged! I hope that we're on to something - but I'm sure we'll still have some less than perfect nights. Now, if only I could get her to nap during the day! I guess we'll just have to keep working on that!

On a side note - I think she's been much less fussy for the last couple days to. I hesitate to say that too soon. But, maybe sleeping better at night is making her less fussy... We shall see...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Day...

See - I knew that Abi could sleep at least 5 hours at night! ...She's done it! ...Once. She can have one good night and then usually a couple very bad sleepless nights. This past weekend was particularly rough. Friday night she was awake from 1am till 5:30am and we were exhausted. She slept ok the next night - then Sunday night she was again awake from 1am till 6am. That night I was exhausted. I don't want Kris to be up with her on days he has to work. Monday morning I was crying... Thank God my mom came over and watched her so I could take a nap! Then Linea came over Tues. so I could clean my house - hadn't done that since the morning before Abi was born! Thank you both for your help!

Its so frustrating knowing that she can sleep - she just won't. And I have such a hard time getting her to take any naps! She'll fall asleep in my arms, but the second I set her down she is wide awake and screaming. During the day the best I can get is usually 20 min cat-naps. Ugh... So, needless to say the last few weeks have been very rough and frustrating. Last night - we had a miracle...

Abi slept 7 hours!!!

I'm holding my breath for tonight. My fingers are crossed. I'm praying for another miracle.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Abi with her Granparents at the reunion...

Some of the goings on...

You've asked for more pictures - here they are! Sadly we have had a VERY fussy baby for the last few weeks so its been hard to get good pictures and even harder to find time to post them! If she's awake she's usually fussing and we have to hold her to keep her quiet - unless we go out and are with other people - then she's an angel and never makes a peep. Everyone thinks we are liars! How crazy...

These first 2 pics are from June 25th - I was trying to get different shots of her funny faces. :) The 3rd picture is from July 2nd - we were trying to take her "one month birthday" picture - we still haven't been successful - she cries too much!

We went up the the Adirondack's for the 4th of July to Morgan's in-law's camp. It was so beautiful and peaceful up there! We had a lovely time and even got to go canoeing! Abi had a lovely time with Amy's mom - to whom I'm eternally grateful for giving us a lovely restful day. :)
Then on the 6th we went to Grandma's family reunion at her house in Bainbridge Abi got to meet her Great-grandma for the first time. Grandma was so pleased - it was so cute to watch her with the baby! We tried to take a "4 generations" shot but it didn't come out all that well - we'll have to try again when she's a little older...