Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Six Month Pic...

I wonder... Can i get away with posting just a really small thumbnail of this shot? Or... Maybe I can just post it somewhere else and link to it - ...then hope that nobody notices the link...! Or, Maybe no one would even notice if I (coming from a house of photographers - where there are at least 5 cameras that I can think of off the top of my head...) just never posted another "pregnancy" shot...

Oh, well, ...here it is - a little late... My 6 month shot... Actually its more like 6 1/2 months, but I forgot to get the picture any sooner. I look a little washed out next to the lovely green, but then - I'm not entirely in love with my "looks" right now anyway! :) The happy times for me are not the looking in the mirror times now... :) But what i do enjoy is the times in the evening when I'm sitting on the couch relaxing and my belly starts moving around - so funny looking! And so much fun to watch!
Sadly, my hands and feet have already been swelling for about a month now... :( I had to take my wedding rings off and put them in the safe. So i bought a "fake" ring to wear for now. Sometimes after a few days in a row of work my feet look like horrid balloons... I think they scared Kris the first time he had to see them. Oh, well - its a good excuse to have to relax and put my feet up! Other than that, my arms fall asleep all the time at night which wakes me up - I can live with it though. It bothers me more when my fingers go numb in the middle of the day for no apparent reason which seems to be happening more and more. I'm not complaining - more just posting so that I will remember next time what happened this time. I can deal - I just keep hoping and praying that I'll be able to keep up with working till the baby comes...


Anonymous said...

Look at that belly! :-D I was hoping you'd put a new picture up soon. Exciting changes, huh?

Jessica B.

mercy.joy said...

PRO! you are such a hott prego!