Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I had another Dr. appointment yesterday... Nothing too exciting, but I have now reached to point were I get to go every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. Lucky me - more Dr. appointments. :) My labs were all good this last visit and my glucose tolerance test came back negative so I'm happy with that. My feet are still terribly swollen by the end of a few days of work and my hands are starting to give me trouble... A few years ago, i had never heard of carpal-tunnel in relation to pregnancy, but it seems to be extremely common! As long as it goes away after the baby is born, then I can deal with it. It's starting to make work more difficult though. My finger tips (especially on my right hand - and I'm right handed!) are numb and my hands have lost a bit of strength and are starting to ache. Hopefully a good set of wrist braces will help... Otherwise all things pregnancy are going well - "mini me" seems to be enjoying more lengthy stretches lately - to which I respond with a poke or 2 and a "hey! go back!" To which Kris in tern replies, "Hey - no poking the baby!"

We went to Starbucks tonight to do our "prepping" for home-group tomorrow night... Haven't been in a while and it was a nice little place to read and study. We've spent most of this year studying Hybel's book "Becoming a Contagious Christian" and we're almost finished with it. We're getting tired of it now and feeling ready to move on to the next thing so I'm happy that we're almost done with the book! We have a couple new couples in our group this year that have been a great addition. And others that we've been able to see really grow over the last couple years - its been so exciting and a blessing to watch. On a side note and without saying to much... we sometimes struggle with questioning how much to "follow up" with some people. Knowing that its our responsibility to "Shepherd" our little group, we sometimes wonder when we are pushing too hard and when we sometimes don't reach out enough - Some people its very hard to tell where they are at... Just a little something that I've been really contemplating lately...


Anonymous said...

You're Cute!

Anonymous said...

That was me! Statia! I said you're cute!