Saturday, March 25, 2006

Day Trip!!!

So umm... Not really much to be said for this picture! :) Today was one of those days when we woke up and had nothing planned for the day, so we randomly decided to drive to Mass. We spent some time at the Clark Art Institute and then went over to Mass MOCA (Its a modern art museum - hence the lovely picture.) We were a little disappointed at Mass MOCA this time, but this dog was the favorite of the day! We usually try to go every year as their exhibits are always changing. We have always loved them in the past so hopefully next time will be better. We had a lot of fun today though. My honey is starting to feel better, but we still got home around 3 in the afternoon and went right to bed for a nap!!! Naps - how is it that we hate them as children?

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Plague

I say its the plague - he says its malaria. He's been sick for a long time. Started last week with no sleeping. Seemed worse on Saturday as we were driving back from NH and he was sneezing the whole time. Started to appear better on Tuesday. Wednesday I got a phone call at work that he was home on the couch shaking with fever and chills. (temp of 102.6 by the time I got home - after 1000Mg of Tylenol.) Actual diagnosis: Bronchitis.

But, he must be feeling better today with lots of good drugs (cummon people, they're legal) - see the coke? :) Besides, he was told not to go to work today, but I still had to... So what did he do? Stayed home and cleaned the house! He's so sweet!

...gosh... hope I didn't give him my password for my blog - he never let's me post pics he hasn't seen - and he's sleeping... Awe... He's so handsome :)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A day in the Life of the Milo's...

This is probably the only time you will ever see a portrait of me with long (straight!) hair and NO bangs!!! Or at least it is the first time - I've never been without bangs before and I can't decide from one minute to the next if I love it or hate it. But, on this particular day I was liking it so I asked Kris to take some pictures just to prove that it had ever happened. :) I need a hair cut desperately - my ends are terrible, but beyond that I really have no idea at all what I want to do with it right now.

This was also my feeble attempt at wearing green for what I prefer to call "Irish Day." (The shirt even seemed to make my eyes look green!) I'm really not Irish, but it seems to be one of those days that you are supposed to celebrate regardless. I'm told that I'm Scotch-Irish (Scottish - living in Ireland), but that doesn't really count. Now I'm married to an Irish man - But... as he says - we're all just muts! I guess I'll just have to sing, "and I'm proud to be an American..." ...though I'm not quite positive that that's true either!

In other news, my poor dear husband has been sick for a couple days... Some sort of a cold'ish, flu'ish, allergy'ish thing. I have to say that he is ever so much more pleasant to be around when he is sick than I am. I'm such a baby and he's still sweet even when sick! Yup, I love him :)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Little bits of Nothing...

Ok... so far I have spent my entire night just trying to write a blog with no success - an evening wasted. Oh, well. Between our internet not working well lately, and blogger not working well tonight, it has been a trying evening... :) Hopefully, when I hit the little button I won't loose this post...

This pic is from our photo shoot last night. Had to take advantage of the most lovely warm weather! The photo challenge (over at DPChallenge) for Sunday is "2-second exposure." These didn't turn out so well, but we always have a lot of fun on our photo expeditions. We would have kept trying but we got rained out... This is a pic from the foot bridge looking into downtown Albany. The last picture I took - I didn't realize that my camera was pointed right at the security camera till Kris pointed it out. (That wasn't what I was looking at.) I'll have the FBI after me next thing I know!

In other news - we are now the prowd owners of a nice new canoe! An early b-day present for Kris. He (and I) has been wanting one since last summer so we got one early while it was on sale. You can check out a picture of it on our website. Now we just need to get some paddles and life vests and we'll be all set for more "expotitions!" I can't wait to go spend some quiet evenings out on a lake with a lovely picnic lunch and a couple cameras... maybe a little music...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

How Frustrating!!!

So... A while ago I started a Yahoo account. I have some friends that have them, so decided to join even though I'm really not (or at least didn't used to be) much of a blogger. I posted several blogs and it was all fine, but not a lot of people have accounts so nobody could leave comments. Besides I didn't really like all the extra stuff on the site. So, Kris got me to switch to blogger. I really like this so much better.
Anyway... being the smart woman that I am, I decided to just delete my whole yahoo account because that seemed to be the only way to get rid of my Yahoo page. Argh!!! I have since had two very frustrating days trying to figure out why my account has been deleted (meaning I can no longer sign into yahoo mail or 360) and yet my page (with my pictures on it) is still visible to the entire world and I can't get rid of them! I also have e-mails being sent to an account that I can't get into. And, of course there is no way to actually contact yahoo about this and get help! All very frustrating. To add to my smartness: since I have another e-mail account, I forgot that I had some e-mail address in that account that I had never switched over and some e-mails that I had saved for sentimental purposes and never printed them out! I'm really very annoyed with myself. I'm a neurotic person with an obsessive-compulsive personality with a problem that I can't fix. GREAT!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Then and Now...

... Our first ever picture together - taken at the Bronx Zoo... And then - one from sitting on the same rock 2 years later. (And a few pounds heavier for me.) I'm still working to get those pounds off with no great progress!!! In the summer we love to take little day trips on the weekends and after work during the week - a huge benefit of us both getting out of work around 3pm! I can't wait for those times. I'm longing a bit anxiously for summer. I never thought I'd be one of "those people." I loved winter as a kid - now I'd be happy if we could just skip winter altogether and have about 4 months each of Spring, Summer and Fall!!! I'm happy that March is finally here - somehow in my head that means that warmth is on the way. (Even though we are now having our coldest days of the whole winter!)

I've been doing a lot of contemplating lately on the concept of forgiveness. Nothing in particular, but I seem to keep coming up with new areas in my life that I realize I have bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart - usually from such silly issues and from sooooo long ago. I've spent a lot of time over the years praying about this and trying to let God work.... ...the job continues. I was doing a little Bible study on it earlier this week and came across a well know scripture that I hadn't thought about in a while: "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matt. 6: 14-15) That makes it all pretty clear to me! Anyway... those are my thoughts for the day! :)