Saturday, March 04, 2006

Then and Now...

... Our first ever picture together - taken at the Bronx Zoo... And then - one from sitting on the same rock 2 years later. (And a few pounds heavier for me.) I'm still working to get those pounds off with no great progress!!! In the summer we love to take little day trips on the weekends and after work during the week - a huge benefit of us both getting out of work around 3pm! I can't wait for those times. I'm longing a bit anxiously for summer. I never thought I'd be one of "those people." I loved winter as a kid - now I'd be happy if we could just skip winter altogether and have about 4 months each of Spring, Summer and Fall!!! I'm happy that March is finally here - somehow in my head that means that warmth is on the way. (Even though we are now having our coldest days of the whole winter!)

I've been doing a lot of contemplating lately on the concept of forgiveness. Nothing in particular, but I seem to keep coming up with new areas in my life that I realize I have bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart - usually from such silly issues and from sooooo long ago. I've spent a lot of time over the years praying about this and trying to let God work.... ...the job continues. I was doing a little Bible study on it earlier this week and came across a well know scripture that I hadn't thought about in a while: "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matt. 6: 14-15) That makes it all pretty clear to me! Anyway... those are my thoughts for the day! :)


Anonymous said...

i love you much, yur basically amazing!

Anonymous said...

oh by the way that was tyson that left that comment, and this one HAHAHA man i crack myself up

gio said...

hey pro nice to see you two have come a long way ey :-) lol thats soo cool to see you two on the same rock 2 years later .... i hope that your summer comes soon but not too soon because we all know absense makes the heart grow fonder...

well good night

Anonymous said...

hi =)it's merc. before you know it you'll have me sucked into this, with another blog that i never keep up with or pay attention to. *sigh* =) i love you...and i love what you said about forgiveness...because i know exactly where it's coming from. you are amazing my pro.

Anonymous said...

man! ... i'm good looking