Friday, September 07, 2012

First day of Preschool... How is this day here already???

Today my baby (she was just born yesterday, wasn't she???) starts preschool...  For more than 2 years she has been begging to "pleeeease let me go to school!" and "pleeeease let me ride the school bus!"  She has been excited and counting down the weeks all summer, while I've been trying not to think about it and fighting back the tears. Yesterday was "practice day." We got to ride the bus to school together and go to orientation. On the way home Abi had already made a new friend and I had to find my own seat!  :)  I was nervous about today for her because I wasn't quite sure if she realized that she was going by herself this time.  She was ready and waiting for the bus a full half hour early.  As the bus rounded the corner I reached to give her a hug and a kiss...  she pushed me away with a "Mah-aamm!", ran on the bus and never looked back.  She is SO ready for this! ...I am SO not...  I held in the tears long enough for the bus to round the corner and Kris to leave for work and then came inside to sob my heart out...  I think this is the hardest parenting thing I've had to do yet. ...the start of letting go... ...and I hate it.  I had to compose myself so as not to freak Dan out - he's a little lost as it is without "Sissy" here!  I spent the morning frantically cleaning the house to keep myself busy and pass the time - I was a bit in shock at how easy it was to clean with only one sweet kid under foot...  I must have turned the vacuum off a million times to check my phone and listen to every passing car... ...and then - she was home!!  Absolutely as happy as can be!  She had the time of her life!!  She's a bit upset that tomorrow is Saturday and she can't go again till Monday...

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