Tuesday, March 01, 2011

3 month pics etc...

Since Daniel will be four months old on Saturday and it will be time to do pictures again... I figured I should resist the urge to nap and post these pictures which are now a month old!! This first one is before the hair-cut. Poor little man is loosing all his hair in rapid order!
And this is right after his very first haircut! He looks like a totally different boy! I was afraid that I wouldn't like it, but I really do - I think its cute!
Once again I am in awe of just how quickly the time goes by. I can hardly stand that my little man will be 4 months old on Saturday! Yet - at the same time... I've come to realize that infants are VERY hard and I actually start to have a lot more fun right about this age! I sure love my babies!

Daniel has become a really good napper for the most part. I feel that I've finally got him figured out in that regard. He has this little soft "bear-blanket" that he turns his face into and somehow the softness puts him to sleep! Night time is another story... I feed him around 7:30 and put him down. He sleeps wonderfully for about 5 hours and the he's up at 1am, at 3am and at 5am... Usually its just a pacifier check, a re-wrap and back to sleep, but it still means me being up several times a night... By 5am I have to feed him and then he goes back down till about 7:15. Some nights, though, he is up for an hour at a time and I have no idea why... Oh, how I long for a full night's sleep!!!

Its been a rough week at the Milo house... We got another foot of snow and what do you know - the snow-blower died! All the snow combined with the lack of insulation in the attic has cause terrible ice build-up and the rain gutter on the front of our house is being torn right off. We've had some ants in the house that we couldn't seem to get rid of as well and finally had to call an exterminator yesterday... I hope that is the end of that! This is all frustrating and disheartening. I find myself a little down trodden and yet at the same time I'm amazed by God's faithfulness!! We just got our taxes done last week and found out we'll be getting a wonderful return. God's timing is amazing. Hopefully we'll be able to use the majority of that, though, to spend on a newer and larger vehicle. We really need something bigger and want to get it before we have any more trouble with Kris' car!!

1 comment:

mercy.joy said...

love the top pic--my chunker needs an auntie mercy hug SO much.

also love your new background. you are branching out into new and trendy territory!

;) xo