Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2 month pics

These are a bit late... Our little Man is 2 months old already!! Its crazy really! Blogging time has been hard to come by, but since I currently have 2 children in bed (crying and refusing to sleep) I thought I might take a minute to at least post these!

Its been a really busy month... Aaron and Melissa came up for about a week and a half starting Christmas day. It was the best time!! Mercy surprised us and showed up on our door step Christmas day too! :) Silly me - I totally didn't understand why she was sending me a picture of my front door! Then we went to MI for a week to see Ty and Beth. I feel like this was the most relaxing and fun times I've had with my out of town sibs in a long time. It will all be among my happiest memories.

Sadly, though - there has been a lot of stress as well. Daniel spent 3 blissful weeks sleeping when he was born and its been very difficult since. He isn't quite as hard as Abi, but this time around I also have a 2 year old that wants all my time and attention. He doesn't scream quite as much, but is just a bad a sleeper. And when he's over tired he just screams... That came to a head while we were in MI when he abruptly stopped nursing and then stopped eating and sleeping. There wasn't anything wrong with him - seems that he was just overstimulated, but it made for a stressful end of the trip, sadly. I don't understand why both kids have gotten so overstimulated so quickly - not sure what I'm doing wrong. Even with family around and while traveling we kept his schedule the same!! He's done really well the last few days which is encouraging, but it still seems that if I try to go anywhere in the morning it will ruin the rest of the day! What's a body to do? I can't just stay home all the time! ...though in truth I do - way too much - just because its easier in the long run! And this whole sleeping thing... 45 min cat naps - oh so familiar... Abi was at least sleeping through the night at this point! By the plan he should be sleeping 10hrs at night by now and we JUST started getting 8 last week.

Though it was really sad for me that Daniel quit nursing I've tried to convince myself that it was for the best. He was so bad at it anyway. For some reason gulped a ton of air and was so SO gassy... He seems to do a bit better with the bottle, and burps much easier!! I'm just sad that it ended that way and that I was able to do for him as long as I did for Abi. :( At least its easier to see how much he's eating. Within the last 3 days he has jumped from 4oz a feeding strait to 7-8oz!!!

In the middle of all this we had to take Abi's Nuk away. Oh, dear!!! I took her to the dentist at the end of Dec because I had noticed a dark spot on her tooth. Sure enough it is a cavity. :( For now we are just watching it (and the several other stained spots - incomplete enamel???) in the hopes that it doesn't grow and won't have to be dealt with for a couple years. I can't imagine trying to have her get a cavity filled!! We have to brush her teeth twice a day, floss them and put fluoride treatments on the one tooth. She was great at the Dentist - I was so surprised. I had taken her with me the week before so she could watch me get my teeth cleaned. She was awesome till I tried to get her to let the dentist look in her mouth! So I had to make an appt with the pediatric dentist - she LOVED it and was amazing! Didn't fuss once and held her mouth wide open on her own. Even let them polish her teeth and she hates things that make noise!! Anyway - the dentist took one look in her mouth and said, "she's a pacifier baby isn't she?" ...and then showed me how the thing was messing up Abi's bite. So we waited till after the Holidays and took it away. She cried for 4 days at nap and bed times. Now she doesn't cry. But - I fight her for an hour to fall asleep at nap and then she sleeps about an hour. At night she plays for 1 1/2 hrs and wakes up and hour earlier in the morning! 4.5hrs of sleep less a day is taking its toll! ...on her and me... Today she was a wreck... She fell right to sleep at nap time!! ...and only slept 45 min... :( Humph. Nuks are recommended to help prevent SIDS - then the babe gets hooked on it and finally starts sleeping good - then it ruins her bite (hopefully not permanently???)!! That's just a little bit frustrating. I'm sooooo hoping that we're able to get back to a better sleeping habbit again....

Danny is crying again... I must go....


thecolonelswife said...

at the sleeping part - i just had to laugh. Sae didn't sleep through the night until 2 1/2. up till 1 she slept in 45 min increments at night and 20 mins naps during the day (and it often took 3 hours just to get her to sleep). until 2 she slowly crept up to 2 hours at a time at night and 1-2 hour naps. finally at 2 1/2 she blissfully started sleeping through the night and taking good naps. though the getting her to sleep is still a battle on many days.

i sent a MUCH longer message to your email with some info i think you will find helpful. :)

mercy.joy said...

my nephew is so perfect. how did you do it?

i had the best time at christmas.

i love you. you're an incredible mummy.