Thursday, January 07, 2010

Happier day :)

This is my little babe with her table and chairs - the ones she can't stay away from all day long... the ones she loves to play tea-party at... the ones at which she will sit and beg us to "sit, sit, sit" with her all day long :) I love this little babe!

OK, so I went to the Dr. today. I had to wait in the waiting room for 45 min (at 9:30 in the morning - pretty far behind for being that early!) but the good news is - he didn't think it was my disc issues but more of a repeated sprain. He gave me a script for some muscle relaxers so hopefully that will help! I'm tired of back pain, and I'm sure my poor husband is tired of me having back pain!

I'm late getting home from work this evening... Late for a reason that I don't mind at all. Someone stopped me on my way out the door to ask me about my church. I have no idea how she new what church I go to. I don't always talk a lot about such things at work because I don't want people to feel that I cram things down their throats. I find it a hard balance.... but tonight I was sooooo happy! That someone would ask meant they felt comfortable talking to me about my faith. I say all this to say that it also brought up questions in my mind... questions on a lot of things, but one thing I can't get off my mind. How would I deal with it if a couple living an "alternative lifestyle" asked to join our smallgroup? I have so many questions and not so many answers. We love sinners, just not the sin - and thank God for that because we all have plenty of sin in our lives! Hmmm.... I don't think I can even put my thoughts into words right now - my head is tired, but I want to think about this a bit... I think I need to do some studying and contemplating...

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