Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A few things...

The new year is hear and so must be the diet... I can't believe how much weight I've put on since this summer! Its time to stop feeling sorry for myself about not being able to get pregnant and using that as an excuse to eat like a stinking pig!! I have 25 lbs to loose - I'm starting now... I do hope my back gets better quickly so that I can go to the gym!

I'm so frustrated today - I've called 2 Dr's in the last 2 days and I can't get even one to care enough to talk to me on the phone! Yesterday, I called my Primary Care Dr. about my back - its a little better now, but on New Years Day I could hardly walk. He waited all day to call me back only to have his nurse call me and tell me I need to come in. I don't need to talk to a nurse - I am a nurse - I had a couple questions for my Dr! What happened to the days when there was common courtesy and Dr's cared? Ugh.... OK - so Kris talked me down off that ledge... I'm going to see the Dr. tomorrow - but not my Dr. of course because he's now off for the rest of the week! So then today I called my OB/GYN - I'm frustrated about not being pregnant and just wanted to chat for 5 sec to make myself feel better. The receptionist asked what it was about - when I told her what it was about she immediately said, "Oh, your going to have to come in - they won't want to talk to you over the phone." I asked, "Can't I even talk to someone to ask a couple questions??!" She took my number and said the midwife would call me back.... Two minutes later I get another call from the receptionist who informs me, "She said you really have to come in." I was so angry... "Can't anyone even give me 5 seconds of their time to tell me how long to keep trying before I completely loose heart???" She put me on hold for a second and then came back, "A year" was all she said. "Well, I'm not there yet" and I hung up. Seriously? I can't even talk to a Dr. to try to get some encouragement? It hasn't been a year yet, so they won't see me in the office, but they also won't talk to me over the phone... Great! So basically not a single Dr. that I see cares enough to give me the time of day??! I'm so angry - thanks for the encouragement Dr's - you all make me feel soooooo much better!!

p.s. I don't really think anyone reads this much - if you do, I'm sorry you read my ranting... If your a Dr. don't take it personally - I'm only referring to my current Dr.s...

1 comment:

mercy.joy said...

aww prosie...i definitely feel for you. not that i've been in QUITE the same spot...but that aloneness-feeling...that i know. i love love you. xxoo