Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just one nap?

I decided on Saturday (after a week of nap torture with the little babe) that maybe it was time to try taking her down to just one nap a day... The plan was to start Monday (yesterday) and see how things would go. I planned on this week being a little rough, but last week I could hardly get her to nap at all without holding her eyes shut till she fell asleep. And I definitely couldn't get her to take 2 naps! So we started yesterday. The morning was a little rough and long. I actually gave up at one point and put her in her crib, but she didn't sleep - just played for 20 minutes and then I took her grocery shopping. By the time we got home and ate lunch she was completely exhausted and took a wonderful nap. She actually woke up after just an hour, but I went in and laid her back down and for the first time in her life she actually went back to sleep! Woohoo! Took a 2 1/2 nap in all... it was a very good first day! Today she slept till 8am - another first. She's always up at 7am, so that was really nice. But today's nap was only 1 1/4 hours making it a bit more of a long and wound up evening. :) We shall have to see what the rest of the week will bring!

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