Monday, February 23, 2009

Yesterday -

I had SUCH a bad day... We'll get to that later...

When I got home, I was so frustrated and just wanted to have a good cry, but I knew that wouldn't work. I walked in the door and up the stairs and there was Abi in her jumpy seat. She started screaming and jumping around like crazy - she was so happy to see me! It didn't take long for that to turn to desperate attempts to try to get me to pick her up... But my husband and the love of my life comes first. Why is it that being with him and having him near makes everything 100% better? I picked Abi up and took her into my room while I changed my clothes. Then we went into the living room to play for a little while. I sad down on the couch - something that Abi usually hates as she's rather we be standing up carrying her around - but not this time... She grabbed my face with both her slimy little paws and pulled my face to hers and kissed me over and over and over with wide open mouthed wet wet kisses!!! She's never done that before - my heart melted. And this time I cried - because it was all better now...

So- about my day... there is this thing about nursing. Co-workers have to work together or things get dangerous... If everyone doesn't work just as hard and do their part to the best of their ability, then things can go very very wrong and the one person who is trying feels 10x's the stress and pressure. That, and - no matter how much they do, it will never be possible to make all the patients happy and give them the care they need and deserve! On my floor at the hospital there are a couple people that don't pull there weight - its a huge frustration to everyone! I was working with both of them yesterday. Hence I was WAY over stressed, dangerous things happened. I spent much of the day trying to clean up were they left huge blunders. That left angry patients. One of them screamed and cussed me out - I yelled back... At least I had his respect after that. One of the above mentioned individuals did something they new was VERY wrong - because they were afraid of being turned in they spent the next couple hours trying to find a reason to turn me in instead so they wouldn't get in trouble. Ended up with the nurse manager involved - thankfully she knew it was all bogus. Why has it all been let get to this point? Then the 2nd patient started getting upset and yelling... What was I to do? You can't put out 1000 fires all at the same time. Prioritizing always makes those lower on the list angry...

And that was my day in a nutshell. There were plenty of other little things, but there is no point in belaboring the issue. I went in to work today for a little while just to have a chance to talk to my boss. I feel better about that. But somehow I don't expect things to change - this has been going on for a very long time. I love my boss and I don't think its her fault and think that HER boss has her hands tied. I wish that I understood the politics. I don't.

2 comments: said...

prosie...that is just the sweetest post ever. i'm pretty sorry about your bad day...but then it made for a super great ending...


thecolonelswife said...

aw, sorry for your terrible day and the mess that isn't cleaned up. and what a little sweetie, that dear Abi being sensitive and knowing just what her mama needed. she is very special. don't you love being a mama?