Tuesday, March 03, 2009

8 month pics - late...

OOPS! I was just thinking about the fact that I need to do Abi's 9 month pics and realized that I never posted the 8 months ones! So, alas - here they are :) She was 9 months already yesterday... I'll try to get tho those pictures tomorrow. I can't believe I've already been able to carry her on the outside for as long as I did on the inside! She's growing up just WAY too fast.

Abi helped me do a little shopping today. And by helped, I mean she continuously pulled at every tag she could find non stop. Pulling piles of clothes off onto the floor faster than I could pick them up. Then the ones we were keeping she kept throwing on the floor and saying "uhh- uhh!!!" She's so stinkin cute - we can't imagine our lives without her anymore! So, anyway, had to go out and buy all new clothes for the first time... What a blessing - we had all the clothes we need up to size 9 months just from my baby-showers! But she's gettin big and needs 12month stuff now and we didn't have any. Can someone please tell me why baby clothes cost so much???? Its like 15$ per outfit - and there is hardly anything to them!


thecolonelswife said...

well, i don't know how you feel about it, but you can find some REALLY awesome deals at Goodwill for less than that. I have also been told that Kohl's has great deals every so often (Goodwill prices). And of course borrowing and hand-me-downs:)

Don't you love not havign to buy clothes? The Lord has provided so generously for us as well.

mrs p said...

bathing suits are worse