Thursday, October 30, 2008

4 Months (on 10-2-08)

Now that she's almost 5 months old (next week), I'm finally posting her "4 month shots." Where does all the time go?! I love this little babe!! Just as a side note - I can't believe how she has changed since she hit 4 months - literally that day! She's so much happier now. She naps better, too. We're having so much fun now - I'm so happy that we weathered the screamer stage!

Falling 10-6-08

This cracks me up so I decided to take pictures and post them. :) She started to find her feet at 4 months and now adores them! So while we were trying to take her 4 month pictures she got tired of that and wanted to play with her feet instead. Picture #1: "Oohh! My feet!" Picture #2: "Oh, awesome! Let me have them!" Picture #3: "Oops! I fell over!" Picture 3 is my favorite - the look on her face just kills me! She still can't really figure out how to pull her hands out on her own - though when they're out she thinks she's big and tough and ready to crawl. Hasn't figured that out yet though... Soon I'm thinkin!

Oct 6th

Abi with her Daddy - she loves him! :) Not sure why she always looks like a dear in headlights though. She smiles and laughs till you pull out the camera. As soon as she sees the camera its just about impossible to get a smile!

My little sheep herder

I took this picture a month ago and I should have taken this picture about a month earlier. :( Its a little small for her in this pic - but still sooooo cute. Kendra (my sister-in-law's sister) made this for Abi when I first found out that I was pregnant. She also made a matching stuffed monkey! I think Abigail looks like she should be herding sheep in the Alps :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Jumpy seats

The other day, while I was at work, Kris pulled out Abi's jumpy seat and introduced her to it. She will sit happily in it for about 20 minutes which is great! Gives me time to cook dinner, and she's right there where I can see her!
On the left is me in my jumpy seat at 5 months and on the right is Abi at 4 months. :) This is so funny to me.
Having Abi now makes me love going back to look at my own baby pictures and see what I looked like and what I was doing at different times! I'm trying to remember to right everything down in Abi's baby book so she has it to look back on sometime (and me). :)
p.s. No - we don't look anything alike in these 2 pics...
p.p.s. I just noticed that our arms and legs are in the exact same positions!!! Haha! That's cracking me up!


Ok, so there is a chance that Abi might look just a little bit like me... I can see it in the nose cheeks and mouth. Though thankfully she doesn't have ears that stick out like mine! These pictures are me at 7 months (with my Grandma - Mama's mom) and Abi at 3 months. I thought it was cute :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Abi's first piano lesson :)

Abi likes music - so today I thought she might like to play the piano :) This video is a little distorted, but you get the idea!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Abi's first Apple :)

Somehow its always our parents who introduce miss Abi to new foods! :) We went to Kris' parents house on Sunday - its become a tradition that his Mom and I bake apple pies together every fall. We made 6 pies in a couple hours! And Abi got to suck on her first apple - she LOVED it! :) Then his mom made mashed potatoes for dinner (extra creamy for Abi) - she wasn't sure what to do with those - they just sat in her mouth and had to be scooped back out... Silly grandparents! :) Abi's only been eating cereal for a couple days!