Monday, October 20, 2008

Jumpy seats

The other day, while I was at work, Kris pulled out Abi's jumpy seat and introduced her to it. She will sit happily in it for about 20 minutes which is great! Gives me time to cook dinner, and she's right there where I can see her!
On the left is me in my jumpy seat at 5 months and on the right is Abi at 4 months. :) This is so funny to me.
Having Abi now makes me love going back to look at my own baby pictures and see what I looked like and what I was doing at different times! I'm trying to remember to right everything down in Abi's baby book so she has it to look back on sometime (and me). :)
p.s. No - we don't look anything alike in these 2 pics...
p.p.s. I just noticed that our arms and legs are in the exact same positions!!! Haha! That's cracking me up!


Bethers said...

These pics are too cute! I can't believe how much you look alike!

thecolonelswife said...

even the floors are the same!!! haha!