Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Day...

See - I knew that Abi could sleep at least 5 hours at night! ...She's done it! ...Once. She can have one good night and then usually a couple very bad sleepless nights. This past weekend was particularly rough. Friday night she was awake from 1am till 5:30am and we were exhausted. She slept ok the next night - then Sunday night she was again awake from 1am till 6am. That night I was exhausted. I don't want Kris to be up with her on days he has to work. Monday morning I was crying... Thank God my mom came over and watched her so I could take a nap! Then Linea came over Tues. so I could clean my house - hadn't done that since the morning before Abi was born! Thank you both for your help!

Its so frustrating knowing that she can sleep - she just won't. And I have such a hard time getting her to take any naps! She'll fall asleep in my arms, but the second I set her down she is wide awake and screaming. During the day the best I can get is usually 20 min cat-naps. Ugh... So, needless to say the last few weeks have been very rough and frustrating. Last night - we had a miracle...

Abi slept 7 hours!!!

I'm holding my breath for tonight. My fingers are crossed. I'm praying for another miracle.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I hope you can get caught up on your sleep soon! Let me know if I can help some evening so that you can nap or clean or whatever.

I am glad she slept 7 hours! Let's hope she keeps it up!

Jessica B.

thecolonelswife said...

oh my the story resonates! we have had the SAME troubles. it is nice when they do finally sleep a good night, but getting them to do it regularly seems like an impossible dream. i understand the great frustration...we are constantly going through that!