Sunday, May 11, 2008

So far behind...!

Oh, my - I have so many posts to catch up on! I have a whole collection of pictures that I've been meaning to post and just no time to do it! I've been constantly busy with one thing or another... still working full time (not sure how I get up and go to work in the morning!), and in all my spare time (when I'm not trying to sleep) trying to finish things up for baby preparation... I had to get a few more things for the nursery - some of which I now have to return cause they didn't work or were broken, nailing down a pediatrician, Lamaze classes, parenting classes at our church, trying to write thank you notes for my baby shower (proving to be difficult because my hands are completely numb after one note - side note, if there are a lot of typo's I'm sorry - can't feel the keys either...), Linea's wedding and all my family being at our house, Statia still living downstairs and trying to help with her bridal shower, etc. Just a few of the things I've been keeping occupied with! Meanwhile my dear hubby is doing all the yard work and got the pool opened by himself - beautifully. I hate not being able to help with some of this stuff but I can't bend over well, my hips hurt and I can't do any heavy lifting! Oh, my - I just can't wait to be useful again! I hate not being able to help Kris with some of the stuff around here, but he doesn't complain at all and has been wonderful to me!


Anonymous said...

Wow! So many blogs! Thanks for the updates. It really must be hard working full time at this point in the pregnancy. Any ideas of when you are going to take off? Sorry to hear your hands are so numb. That must truly be a pain!

Jessica B.

Pro said...

I'm trying to work till the baby comes because I'd reather have the time after than before... but I must say its getting harder - not sure how long I can hold out!