Sunday, April 06, 2008

7 Months...

Here are the 7 month shots...! I think I like this first one the best - I don't look quite as huge! I'm wondering... Just how much more can I stretch to last 2 more months??? 8 weeks to go and counting... We were out on a "photo shoot" with some friends when Kris took these pictures - hence to post office boxes. :)
With my lovely wrist brace - for carpel-tunnel... I do seem to have more feeling in my hand when I were it and I haven't been dropping things as much.
I think that I look particularly huge in this pic - she must have been moving around...
We have all the furniture set up in the nursery now which is exciting - I'll have to take more pictures and post them later this week. We still need plenty of things before we're "ready" but we're making good progress! Its getting exciting ...and to be honest I (and I think we) are getting a little more nervous - its all starting to get more real.

Oh, what a horrible time we're had sleeping this weekend!!! I truly hope that this isn't the way its going to be till the end. I really haven't had trouble till now, but last night in particular I lay awake and miserably uncomfortable ALL night long! I tried the couch and it was no better. By 7am all I wanted to do was cry, but I was too tired to even do that. Really I've been fine till now - hopefully I'll go back to being fine again! I need sleep badly - especially if I'm going to keep working ...which I really need to do for as long as possible! Slowly but surely its getting harder to be on my feet 40+ hours a week!

I don't remember if I ever mentioned it, but we had gutters put on our house a couple weeks ago. I'm so excited because now I can plant flowers around the house without them getting drowned out by the water coming off the roof! Not sure how much planting I'll get to this year, but there is always next year! We are also having another deck (a step down from the one we already have) built. They should be starting work this month. This deck will be at pool level and be about 10x12 feet - making for better pool access! I can't wait to spend some time on that! We're both so happy that we were blessed to be able to save enough money to do both these things before the baby comes as money will be much tighter later! I plan to take a full 12 weeks off (as long as we can afford it!) and then I'll only be going back part-time or per-diem... whichever will work out better at that time.


Anonymous said...


Nice pictures. :-) I think you do have that 'glow' about you. :-) I am glad you are gradually getting things more prepared, and I'm really sorry you didn't sleep well this weekend. :-( I hope you get some good rest tonight.

See you soon.

Jessica B.

mrs p said...

OMG pro your so pregnant now! that is sooooo exciting! my gosh i can't believe how fast it happened...seems like you went from || to |) in like two months...eithere that or time is FLYING. so happy for you!