Thursday, August 02, 2007

Happy days...

Ty and Beth are here! I should probably remember to get out my camera some time this week! Anyway - they are here for a week and I'm so happy to see them.

The pool is beautiful and warm - we've already been swimming more in the last couple weeks than I have been for years! I'm so happy to have a pool - and its such great excersize. I'm hoping that it will help me get in shape and loose a few more pounds. I was doing waitwatchers for the months of May and June. I lost 17 lbs and then sort of lost momentum. I still would like to loose about 10 more pounds but we'll see. At least I feel better than I have for the last few years. I had gained about 35 pounds in Nursing school - some needed but most not. :) It's nice to be getting back to my old self!

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