Monday, July 16, 2007

I Got Lost :)

Yup, I think I got lost... Not really, but thanx to you, Christa, I realized today that I haven't posted in a month. The last 2 months have been so busy since closing on the house! I'll try to post some pictures soon of what we've been up to. I'm on here every day, but usually just for about 5 minutes and then on to the next thing.

Good news! We saw the bottom of our pool today for the very first time - after 2 full months of torture, lots of money - and so much frustration we almost just tore it down! I'll share more about that later and try to show some pictures... Long story short for now - flocculant works - now there is about 3 inches of organic material (dead algae) in the bottom of the pool that we will be vacuuming out tomorrow evening.

Mercy was here for the first week of July which was awesome since we hadn't seen her since Christmas. I'm so mad at myself thought - I kinda forgot to take pictures. Didn't get to spend as much time together as I hoped - it went by too quickly and I had to work.

Forth of July we planned a BBQ at our house with some friends of ours. All went well considering that it started pouring rain about 30 minutes before the BBQ was to start and never let up! But we still had fun - just inside instead of outside. And we'll have to have another one later in the summer to use up the rest of the burgers.

Our homegroup is on break for the summer, but we joined another group for the summer which has actually been a blessing and a good time of growth for us. Now we're starting to gear up for starting again in the fall. We're doing a little recruiting, as some of our members have moved away, and working on material for the fall. We've also been trying to do follow up with the members that have already been involved.

So, we've been busy. (oh, yeah - forgot to mention all the weddings and graduations lately!) I'll try to get some pictures up soon. I'm always sad when I don't post for a while. If nothing else this blog gives me something to look back on later and see what's been going on - but I guess I just lost a month somewhere! :)

1 comment:

thecolonelswife said...

Whew! Pro isn't lost! Good to hear what is going on with you all recently. Looking forward to pictures!