Saturday, June 16, 2007

Planted some Flowers.

I'm not sure why its taking me so long to get around to posting things these days, but we do seem to be so buisy with "all things house." We've spent a great deal of time trying to get the yard to look halfway decent. The woman who lived here before us didn't seem to do much with the yard and it was in serious need of MUCH tlc. We've given it a little, but much more is needed. I think that in the fall we may have to have someone come look at the lawn... We aren't those peaple that have to have a perfect yard, but we have vertually no grass and tons of ants so I think that we will need a little bit of help. I did plant a few lovely little sunshiny flowers the other day along our front walk. Sadly they got eaten off (I think by chipmonks) a couple days later, but they seem to finally be growing back and starting to bloom again.

Morgan and Amy bought us a beautiful rose as a house warming gift that just bloomed beautifully. It is curently in a pot on the deck with my other house plants (most of which I seem to have sun-burned to death). I can't decide whether to plant it or leave it in the pot.
We did have this lovely trampoline in the back yard, but we didn't want it... They are so much fun, but truth be told I'm a bit afraid of them. So we gave it to Fred and Bridget who really wanted it. How did we transport it you ask? Well, let me tell you - it was scarry! Kris borrowed a flat bed truck from work and He and Fred flipped the trampoline on it and away Kris drove. Now, mind you, the truck was only 9 feet wide and the trampoline was 14 ft. (I pretty sure you really can only legally transport something 10ft wide on the roads.) Fred and I followed gasping in fear and calling Kris constantly on the cell... "You're too far to the left!" "Cars are diving for the ditch!" "Don't hit the mail boxes!" Whew!!! So glad that's done with!
And then there is the pool... so far we had to buy a new pump for $225. Then we had to replace the skimmer for $40. Had to take apart one section to bend it back into place. Have dumped litterally hundreds of dollars in chemicals in that were supposed to clear up the water. Bought a net and pulled huge piles of dead leaves off the bottom of the pool and in the prosses found an umbrella from the previous owner's patio set in the pool which we can't get out... On and on and on - we've worked for weeks every single day trying to get the pool usable - all because the previous owner never closed the pool last year!!! Finally, We have given up - I called "The pool Guy" yesterday and he is supposed to stop over on Monday and give us an estimate :( We just have no idea what to do with a pool whose water is so merky that we can't even see 2 inches into it! We are so frustrated!!!
So, yah, I guess that's why I haven't been able to post for a while...


Morgan L.G. said...

awww Pro, you're like a chipmunk...back and forth and really busy. It sounds like an encouraging amount of progress is being made though. I'm glad you got the pic of the rose up. :)

thecolonelswife said...

Where are you?