Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Things that were and things that will be...

So, we took a lovely little drive to Boston on Saturday....

...too see the Boston Symphony Orchestra! Something that I've wanted to see since I was a little girl! It was a late birthday present. It was a long drive, but that's ok (3 hours each way). Kris and I both love to try new things at least once. If we like them - that's good. If we don't - well we have a grand old time anyway, but don't do it again. You can click on the pictures to get a somewhat larger view - it was such and elegant Hall and so old fashioned! It gave me the feeling of being in Europe out in high society - hanging with the snobs and being prim and proper. I'm not sure that we would go again, but it was an awesome experience. You have to have an appreciation for classical music and a little extra padding on you back side - the seats are very straight and very hard!

In other news we are headed to a warmer climate this coming Saturday! Look out Florida - here we come!! (Aaron and Melissa - prepare yourselves...) (Ty and Beth - watch your back sides...) I just can't wait! We need a vacation badly and it will be so nice to hang with a small few of my favorite people. (Come on you guys - they arent' my ONLY favorites!!!)

Love to all and good night - I'm tired. I have to get ahead on sleep - we have a 20 hour drive coming up on Saturday! Yah, that isn't the part that we are looking forward to - we're looking forward to what comes after! And I'm sure that there will be plenty of pictures to follow!


thecolonelswife said...

Hope you have an AWESOME time in FL, with family! Tell Ty and Aaron& Melissa "hi" for us.HOpe you have a great time!

gio said...

Hey Pro,

I am glad to see you get some vacation time. everyone needs some now and again. It looks like the orchestra was really really nice.

I miss you guyz tons
