Monday, March 26, 2007

Vaca in Florida!

And, yes, we're back from our most lovely, much needed and very relaxing vacation in Florida! We got back Tuesday evening after a lovely little 19hr drive (18.5 on the wey down - but then we didn't get stopped in D.C. traffic!). Trust me the drive really isn't as bad as you would think. Both on the way there and on the way back we left at 2am and got to our destination at about 8:30pm... just in time for bed! :) And my trusty new car did its job just fine! We had such a good time! Sometimes family vacations can be stressful, but it wasn't at all - at least not for us (A&M - any thoughts? :) ). We had the best of times with Aaron and Melissa and Ty and Beth. We couldn't have asked for a better time and weather. 80's and sunny most of the time - only to come home to another 15in. waiting for us! Yippee - so happy that its melting. We went to Busch Garden's with A&M and then to SeaWorld with T&B, to the Brevarde Zoo, Cocoa Beach, Port Canaveral, some other beach and spent 2 awesome days at the wild-life refuge taking pictures (which we're posting on our photo blogs). We had so much fun, and God really blessed the trip. Can't say how happy I was to get to spend more time with Melissa and Beth. :) I love you both. Aaron and Ty - I couldn't ask for better brothers. You guys are a blessing to me. Morgan, Amy, Merc, Dee - I miss you... :(
Here is a lovely little picture of us and the boys with their girls :)
And one more lovely picture... of my speeding ticket received in Virginia on the way home - it was a very sad time. I didn't realize that the speed limit changed as you cross into Virginia. :( Oh, well... it happens.
In other news, we are steadily looking for a house. We more or less started looking before we left, but couldn't really get into it till we got back. We put in an offer on a beautiful house yesterday, but really I believe it will be a miracle if we get it. It was under-priced to begin with (even though its still way higher than we were hoping to have to go) and we low-balled it, so we will see. They have till tomorrow night to give us an answer...

I was just looking through old posts and realized that I never wrote any follow up about my hand! Its fine - Praise God! The shot seemed to do the trick - I just woke up one day and realized that it didn't hurt any more! I love that!

While I was away, they switched over to computerized documentation at work - so its been a little hard to get back into things. I don't like the program that they went with - its too comfusing and we don't have enought computers at work, but hopefully they will get the kinks ironed out. :( So far everyone hates it which has added to the level of constant bickering that I hear on a day to day basis. Its so hard not to be a part of it, but I try so hard. Please help me God to be a good example!

Life may get a little crazy over the next few months, buying a house, moving, Linea coming to live with us, and many more little things. Keep us in prayer!!! :)

1 comment:

thecolonelswife said...

It is so good to hear about your trip, that your hand is healed and about the house update - we will be praying! I know buying a house can be an anxious time - especially when they start putting pressure on you to make a decision quickly.

I will be praying for you all. Love you muchly!