Sunday, February 18, 2007


So, I thought I might just post a few pictures of the snow from out at the farm were I grew up. This was the biggest snow storm that we've had in at least 3 year! (And I think its been much longer than that.) I would have taken pictures around here in Albany, but its still a little hard to get out and around here. They are still working to clean things up around here and its been 4 days now! Rumor has it that we are looking at more snow on Thursday, but we'll see.

This is what is left of the big old barn - Papa and Ty had to pull it down over Christmas - it just wasn't safe any more... So many memories I have in that barn - we used to make forts with the hay bales when it was still my Grandfather's farm. And as teenagers we spent a whole lot of time swinging on the rope!

Just another view of "what was"... I'm sure that it will look much different without all the snow. Sadly I wasn't there to watch the day it came down.

Just some snow drifts...

More snow...

So Valentine's day was about snow for us. I had to work that day and I was afraid that I was going to get stuck and have to spend the night at the hospital. Several people did - and let me just say that it's not fun to work on a day that everyone else calls in. Makes you wish you were one of the ones that couldn't make it. Lets just say - way too many patients for the number of nurses - if you know what I'm saying... Anyway - we only live 10 miles from where I work and it took me about 2 hours to get home - what fun that was! Its pretty, but somehow I'm just not into snow as much as I used to be...

4 comments: said...

you wouldn't be into it if you lived where you can't get any! it suddenly matters a lot more. heh thanks for the pics.

Ty said...

dude, lovin the pics :)

gio said...

Hey Pro,
Lovely looking snow wish I was there to play in it... sorry valentines day was rough... but at least Milo is a great man to come home to i know I wish I could... LOL

thecolonelswife said...

Oh, I am sad the barn had to come down - I just hate ending memories! I remember well playing on the bales of hay there when we came in '94 (was that the year?). Whose red car is that in the pic? It looks just like mine.

Sorry your VD was as nice as you would have liked. But hey, you can choose another day to make up for it? That is the great thing about being married!