Friday, February 09, 2007

From my Honey...

I had to take a CPR class on my birthday... How terrible of me - I accidentally let my card expire about 5 months ago and didn't realize. OOPS! Anyway, it was a blessing - the class was supposed to be 5 hours and we were done in 2 1/2 - tested and everything. So I had the rest of the day off. So, what did I do? I went home and fell asleep like a dead man on the couch :) And my Honey came home with 2 dozen roses for me!!!

I'm so thankful - my finger is all better. It actually hurt worse for about a week after the injection, but I suddenly realized yesterday that all the pain was gone and I have full range of motion! I'm so happy! No therapy for me! Praise God.

Well, I'm going to begin the proses of looking for a new job. Its time for a change. Not sure what that will mean in the end, and I'm nervous, but I'm going to start looking. I'm calling Belleview (a woman's hospital) to see what they have available and we'll see... I've always wanted to do OB and I figure that the longer I wait to make a career switch the harder it will be.

3 comments: said...

purdy flowers.

gio said...

Hey Pro,

I'm in Africa... LoL the internet here sucks... Can I just tell you that Milo is the man... Someday I hope to be that smooth... LOL you can tell him I said that... I am getting tons of great Pictures here but I cant post them cuz the internet is so slow.. I will post them as soon as I get home...

I miss you guyz so much... Check out our Blog ... Its great you can follow our trip If you want...

Anyway miss you guyz
-gio said...

wow haha so you've been waiting for that one for a while, huh?

=P i love you. we should talk for real sometime.