Monday, November 06, 2006

Thatcher Park

I'm always so happy when my work weekend is over - especially when I have the next day off and i get to sleep in! Yup, its 10am and I just got out of bed half an hour ago! Hmmm... Now for the 6 loads of laundry that await - may they keep waiting!!! When we buy a house again, we're going to buy the biggest washer and dryer there is - I can't wait. These washers that only hold 5 pair of jeans are for the birds!

So anyway, we went up to Thatcher Park when I got out of work yesterday. I've been there dozens of times and I can't believe that I never realized that there were waterfalls there! This isn't really one of them, but I didn't have the right equipement with me to really get a good shot. I'll have to try again. Some time I'm going to post pictures on here of all our photography equipement. Not to brag - just because there's a ton and I think it would be a funny picture!


thecolonelswife said...

What a great time it looks like you had! That looks so beautiful.

I understand the laundry situation! How thankful I am for my own wash machine and dryer that hold ALOT of clothes (especially with a 6'2 hubby!).

Glad you get a day to rest - hope it is a wonderful day!

gio said...

yea i think those pictures would be funny go for it...
i just orderd a nikon D80 with two lenses ... im really excited about it i cant wait till it comes in ...
ill have to get together with milo and practice with it a bit ...
the only drawback is that its on backorder... :-(


Pro said...

Kris isn't that tall, but he can still dirty some laundry!

Pro said...

Gio - you have to come visit once you get the camera - or before, but I can't wait to see your new stuff!