Thursday, March 09, 2006

How Frustrating!!!

So... A while ago I started a Yahoo account. I have some friends that have them, so decided to join even though I'm really not (or at least didn't used to be) much of a blogger. I posted several blogs and it was all fine, but not a lot of people have accounts so nobody could leave comments. Besides I didn't really like all the extra stuff on the site. So, Kris got me to switch to blogger. I really like this so much better.
Anyway... being the smart woman that I am, I decided to just delete my whole yahoo account because that seemed to be the only way to get rid of my Yahoo page. Argh!!! I have since had two very frustrating days trying to figure out why my account has been deleted (meaning I can no longer sign into yahoo mail or 360) and yet my page (with my pictures on it) is still visible to the entire world and I can't get rid of them! I also have e-mails being sent to an account that I can't get into. And, of course there is no way to actually contact yahoo about this and get help! All very frustrating. To add to my smartness: since I have another e-mail account, I forgot that I had some e-mail address in that account that I had never switched over and some e-mails that I had saved for sentimental purposes and never printed them out! I'm really very annoyed with myself. I'm a neurotic person with an obsessive-compulsive personality with a problem that I can't fix. GREAT!


Anonymous said...

total pro blogs: 8
total pictures of pro: 8
total white turtleneck shots: 3


gio said...

hey kid sorry about your frustration wish i could help ... if its any consolation i like your new blog spot i think it rocks plus i think getting some news from you guys is awesome ...

peace gio

Anonymous said...


aww. i love you. we can still be friends.


Anonymous said...

I love your obsessive compulsive personality, it makes me laugh, (but of course i feel bad at the same time)so yeah i hope it all works out! i love you :)