Monday, February 27, 2006

February 26, 2006 (moved from yahoo360)

...dreaming of a much warmer place...
Oh, the odd things that we do! This was an attempt at a photo for DPChallenge by Kris. He didn't like it as much as I did. We were actually hoping for a slightly warmer day. I think it was less than 5 degrees and windy while we were working on this. The picture looks warmer than it really is! Kris was looking for a picture that portrayed "comfort." Looks to me like this works - sadly I think that he lost 3 finger during the filming of this project! (That hammock really is extreemly comfortable - I'm thinking that will be up somewhere this summer!) You can't tell, but I'm actually looking at a book on Maui... Oh, how I would love to be there right now! I'm pretty sure that no other vacation will ever compare. Anyhow, this picture made me laugh and I really liked it so here it is.


Anonymous said...

I want to see what a comment looks like :)

Pro said...

...looks pretty cool, I think!

Anonymous said...

Gosh Pro! I think you are spending too much time on the comuter. you have set up some forty eleven blog spots and profile spy things, and you haven't called me for a month! what's up with that.
I'm really proud of you that you can run codes now. Wow. I know a little bit about how tough that is, since Amy ends up helping in a lot of them in the ER. Hooray for you! You are Awesome. You should have links on all your blogs to others of your blogs, so that when we get lost we can always find you.

gio said...

whats going on pro i miss you guys how is your life going ???

just to let you know i do read your blogs and am quite interested so keep posting my friend i am usually on the interenet pretty board so i check up on friends

i wanna get a camera soo bad ...
i wish i had the money .. i have 5oo dollars saved right now but im not sure i wanna buy a camera im afraid ill get board of it .... and im not sure if i want to buy a camera or a laptop well anyway i just created a blog and i dont have access to many pictures so it will mostly be text but watta ya gonna do so send me your point of vew on buying a camera it would be much appreciated