Thursday, November 03, 2011

I made applesauce yesterday!

Well - it only took me about 2 hours between last night and just now, but I finally figured out how to send a pic from my phone to my blog!  So I'm not very technologically inclined, but at least I can finally figure it out if I have to!

I made applesauce yesterday!  I'm so excited by how easy it was!  For the last couple years, I've  made apple-butter by pushing apple much through a strainer with the back of a spoon....  and swearing that I would never do it again without a machine.  Kris got this for me for Christmas last year and I've been awaiting a chance to use it!  So amazing to not have to peal and core the apples before cooking them down - this does it all and made it all sooooo fast.  It only made 4 quarts, but I'm very happy with them.  Apples, a little sugar, cinnamon, and a hint of nutmeg - it met with MAJOR approval from the kids :)

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