Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lover of Books!

Abi is absolutely in love with books. Its funny - I remember when she was really little always trying to read to her and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. I was sad, thinking that she wouldn't be into reading. Though I'm not much of a reader I really feel that its important and want my kids to love books. I'm not sure what changed - for the longest time the only book she'd sit for was a Bible story before bed, but now she is constantly carting books around, asking me to read to her and "reading" to herself and everyone else. I think its been for about the last 6 months. Her memory amazes me too - If I read a book to her once, she will correct me every time from there on out if I say a wrong word! She remembers so much it baffles me!

Danny seems to love books already... He can be running around like a crazy man getting into everything and the moment I get a book to read to them, he'll just sit quietly in my lap and listen.

Abi's love of books is not the only to change recently. Once again I'm amazed by how things change. We've thought for a bit that she was going to be more of a shy, loner type because she's been fairly intimidated by people in general since she was little. All of a sudden - within the last 2 months she's come out of her shell in a MAJOR way! No longer shy, very outgoing, talks to everyone, and wants to have her friends around at all times. Its totally an awesome experience to watch our babies learn, grow and change. I wish I could document every single moment to remember!

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