Monday, June 27, 2011

So fast!

We bought Daddy (or as Abi has lately been calling him - for reasons we can not figure out - Boppy!) a picture frame for Father's day and then tried to get a picture to put in it! Getting more and more difficult with a wiggly little guy! :) But Abi did a great job of holding him in place!
Danny is growing up in leaps and bounds. In just one week he has learned to 1) feed himself finger foods (puffs since he still has no teeth!), 2) crawl (though at the moment its more of a very speedy shuffle), 3) move his legs like he's walking while held up, 4) gurgle! ...which he does ALL the time!! :) I forgot, however, that feeding self + crawling = eating off the floor! Guess I have to find time to clean the house a little more often!


thecolonelswife said...

beautiful pic!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessamyn! This is Amanda Kindel here. Just found your blog. You have such a sweet family:) Call Jessica B. if you'd like my email. Blessings!