Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Love 2-year-olds :)

I truly don't understand why people talk so badly of the "2's." Its true that there are rough times. Two year olds are testing boundaries, figuring out the world, and learning at astounding rates. I LOVE having a 2-year-old. I love our little Lady :) Abi amazes me every day with the things that she knows and the things that she says. We were at Kris' parents tonight and Abi saw something that Nana had - I guess it was a leprechaun playing the bagpipes and from the other room I heard, "Nana, is he playing the bagpipes?" How on earth does she know anything of bagpipes??? I can't keep up with all her learning! She knows all her letters (capitals and most lower case), can count to 20 (only missing 13 and 14), counts backward from 7-1, can do puzzles by herself, knows her way around the i-pod/i-pad much better than I do, memorizes books and "reads" them back to me. He imagination grows daily and keeps me in awe. I wish that I could remember every single moment... Reminds me that I need to keep up with the baby books and her "cute sayings" book... I'm so far behind and its so hard to catch up!!!

1 comment:

thecolonelswife said...

i know...don't you just wish you had a video camera on 24/7?

several times a week i get that feeling of awe..."where did u learn that?"

good for you in not believing the 2year old hype! 1-5 is seriously THE MOST FUN ages!