Monday, March 21, 2011


So... Yesterday Kris Dad and wife were coming to visit. He went out to buy coffee as we had none and left it on the counter. A little later He was doing dishes while I took a shower and Abi pulled up a chair to the counter to play. About half an hour before Kris' parents were supposed to be here, I went to put on a pot of coffee... but there was no coffee to be found. We searched the entire house for about half an hour turning everything upside down and inside out. Assuming that Abi had done something with it, I asked her where it was and her response was, "Its in your box, Mamma." I believed her but didn't have a clue WHAT box and she didn't seem to be able to show me so I decided that she must not really know. Well... after probably 45 min of looking in every single place in the house - Kris found it. It was INSIDE a cereal box in the cupboard. I had looked in the cupboard, but that box didn't look like it had ever been touched!!! I wonder what she was thinking when she did her clever little deed... :) MAN I love that kid!!! :)

1 comment:

thecolonelswife said...

lol! I LOVE those moments...I lost my wallet a few weeks ago. Turns out Sae had taken it, dumped it in an empty laundry basket (that had a lid), shut the lid and forgot about it. The basket got taken upstairs and no one had a clue where it was. Took 3 days to finally find it.