Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Totally Different

I hesitate to be too hasty in saying this... ...but so far this is a completely different kind of baby experience! Daniel just... SLEEPS! They say that new borns sleep most of the first 2 weeks and then things change... He isn't 2 weeks old yet, so we'll see if that changes, but I know that Abi was already screaming by this time. I literally have to torture him awake to even eat. Pretty sure he'd sleep through the night now if I didn't set my alarm so he doesn't starve to death in his sleep! :) I feel blessed - this has made transition to two fairly easy so far.

Abi has done remarkably well so far with all the transition. She's madly in love with her baby brother - a couple days ago she informed me that he was her best friend! She's precious with him - constantly wanting to kiss him and telling him how cute he is. :) Today we had a bit of a rough day... as well as she really IS doing, it doesn't change the fact that she's not at all good at entertaining herself and is very demanding of attention. Before Daniel was born we had gotten to the place where I could get her to play with toys in her room by herself for about 20 min to half an hour during the day. I think its going to take a while to get back to that. Abi loves Daniel to death, but struggles with the fact he sometimes needs my time and that means she can't have it - she's a little clingy right now! All in all I think the transition is going quite smoothly.

We got to get out of the house to MOM's group this morning. It was great for me, and I was happy to find that I could actually get us all out of the house by 9am. :) Abi was just happy to go "play with her friends!" Our little lady loves her social time - its been hard for her being home most of the last 3 weeks!!!

1 comment:

thecolonelswife said...

so happy for you! and a different kind of baby gives me hope for one day...if there ever is a #2.