Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Kids rooms are done at last!

This is Abi's new "big-girl" room...
No - it doesn't say "arm." Those are her initials...
I'm no interior designer, but I'm happy with the results!
I did her silhouette for the frame - I love it!!
The tree was all Kris' idea and I love it - best idea ever!
Little man's room is all ready too!Small, but its a perfect nursery :)
Very manly bedding for the "little man!"

The time has come - and I'm ready!! ...or at least I'm ready when the time really does come! Hopefully any day now "little man" will be ready to join us in person! There is nothing left to prepare! Its been a busy last 5 months!
Landscaping finished in the front yard - check!
Rooms ready - check!
Abi adjusted to new room and bed - check!
Abi potty-trained like a champ - check!
Car cleaned and car seat in - check!
House cleaned (though if he doesn't come quick it will need it again!) - check!
12 meals in the freezer - check!
Baby clothes washed, sorted, folded and put away - check!
Diaper bag packed - check!
...can't think of anything else.... Oh - baby afghan half done... Better work on that!
I seem to have pulled a couple muscles in my back a couple days ago and could hardly walk for the last 2 days. Thankfully its on the mend today. I'm kinda surprised it never happened before this, but very glad too!! I'm scheduled to work Fri, but that should be my last day before maternity leave - its getting to be too much... Hopefully won't waist much time before he comes though!

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