Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Little Man Milo Timeline"

Yeah - so its only been 6 months...! Worst I've done since starting my blog years ago. Oh, well - having a 2 year old and being pregnant is hard. Period. That is my only excuse. ;)

I've wanted to do a time-line on this pregnancy from the beginning since a lot has gone on, but I'm only just now getting to it. I'm stuck sitting here trying to stop contractions, so here goes!

May 2009 - time to start hoping for baby Milo #2
2/6/10 - last period
3/8/10 - Dr. appt with PCP for sore throat. Pretty sure I had Strep, but they said no. Rapid strep was negative, now have to wait for cultures to come back. Had blisters in my throat for 3 days - I know they're wrong!! ;) I had mentioned there was a chance of pregnancy in case of the need for abx. Pregnancy test was negative... so frustrating!
3/9/10 - I don't believe I'm not prego - buy a test... There is a VERY faint + but I'm afraid to believe it and tell Kris I'm not sure what to think. Its been a long road and I don't want to get my hopes up...
3/10/10 - I call Kris and ask him to pick up another test on the way home from work - the result is the same... a VERY faint +... My throat is still killing me and I can't eat. Call the Dr to find out about my throat cultures, but they came back negative also. Try to get back into the Dr's but they have no appts left for the day. Went to urgent care where my rapid strep is positive!!! Head out with a script for abx (pregnancy OK'ed just in case.) On the way home I'm talking to Amy who informs me that there is a lot of Strep going around that is resistant to Abx - so if It doesn't get better I might need different abx - heart sinks...
3/12/10 - Still can't eat - can hardly drink... Call PCP - they won't give me a script and I have to go back in! New abx and I finally start to feel better in a couple days! Woohoo!!
3/15/10 - Just one more prego test to be sure... Now that I'm feeling better I might believe it... Its +!!! A very dark, clear, obvious +!!! Woohoo!!! Can it really be??? We've been trying so long and I was loosing hope!
3/19/10 - First GYN appt - to confirm what I already know.... We are finally having another Baby!!!
3/20/10 - I have a little spotting, but I had that with Abi so I'm not terribly concerned - only lasted a day...
3/23/10 - first U/S - they say its too soon to "date" and I'll have to come back in 2 weeks...
3/27/10 - Spotting starts again.
3/30/10 - Still mild spotting off and on - Call GYN. They are concerned and want an U/S, but they only do them on Tuesdays and its too late in the day. Have to wait a week for the U/S. But while I'm on the phone find out from my GYN that I have an infection and need to start abx immediately as the infection usually causes a miscarriage and also can keep you from getting pregnant in the first place. (No wonder I couldn't get pregnant for almost a year!!!)
4/6/10 - U/S appt - seems to go well, but I don't know what they're looking for. Call from GYN to inform me that I have a Subchorionic Hemorrhage. I'm told to be on complete lifting restrictions and to do as little as possible. Ummm - how does that happen with a 2 year old at home?? Work is telling me not to come in till I can lift - stress!!
4/13/10 - U/S to re-eval Hemorrhage. It has reduced to half the size!!
4/20/10 - U/S again - Hemorrhage is almost gone, but I'm told to continue with the restrictions for another week and then I can return to work. GYN wants me to get the 12 week (where they check for abnormalities) U/S at the hospital. I didn't do that one with Abi, because no matter what - this is our baby! But they really want me to get it done so they can double check the bleed. I say OK. Why not, right?
5/10/10 - U/S at Belleview.
5/20/10 - Phone call from Helen (my Nurse midwife.) "Jessamyn, I want you to listen to me very carefully. Your blood work is negative, but the U/S came back borderline for Down's Syndrome." My heart seems to stop for a minute, but I pull it together for long enough to ask questions. She advises me to get an amnio so that I will be prepared and not worry about it for the rest of the pregnancy. I call Kris and cry, but we decide to go with the amnio - I just have to wait 3 weeks to have it done! I spend a couple days crying a lot, and then God gives me such peace! No matter what happens, it will be OK! But it is still a rough time off and on for weeks...
6/10/10 - Amnio day - I'm nervous, but Dr McCarthy and the U/S tech are awesome and put me at ease. Now to wait for the results.
PS... ITS A BOY!!! We're so excited!!!
6/23/10 - Call from Helen again with amnio results.... ALL IS WELL!!! We are having a healthy baby boy. We can start to relax and enjoy the pregnancy. :)

Its been a busy few months since then... finishing the landscaping in the yard, doing over the spare-room to be Abi's new big-girl room (including spackling, sanding, tons of painting, and sanding and painting my old bed and dresser!), and starting to prep for the baby. There is still more to be done but its all coming together... Abi adjusted fabulously to her new room and bed. She LOVES her new bed and sleeps great! Just have to do up the finishing touches on her room and get to decorating to babies room. Wish it wasn't so expensive to get a couple rooms ready!!

Tonight I'm doing nothing... Spent the weekend working and at 2pm started having contractions - every 4 minutes for 90 minutes... not good. 33 weeks is a little too soon. I think I'm just tired and dehydrated. I forgot to drink at work all day and never sat down! Called the Dr. and they said I was right - rest and rehydrate!! So I'm trying. As long as I sit still I don't have a single contraction, but the second I stand up they start in again. its been a sit around and do nothing night... :) I'm awfully blessed that Kris is so good to me - even though he doesn't feel well at all this evening. I love you, Honey!

PS - last night I started an afghan for the baby. I realized that I've made several, but none for my own kids - gotta fix that situation!!

1 comment:

mercy said...

i love this. it still hasn't hit me you are having another baby...and a BOY. who will be just as perfect as abi. =]