Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blogging? What's that???

Pretty sure that this officially marks the longest that I've ever gone without blogging since starting this blog over 3 1/2 years ago! Who knew that a 1 year old would take up all my "extra" time, whatever that is?!! :) The last couple months have been a whirl-wind... ...spinning by faster than the eye can see! Last moths - What am I saying? I still can't figure out what's happened to the whole last 2 years!!! Time has never gone so quickly and I fear it won't slow back down! :)

I think one of the things that made it all go by so quickly was that Abi was sick a lot in the last couple months. First a cold, then a virus, then a croupy cough... poor little babe! I HATE when she's sick! I feel so bad for and I can't fix it!

One of the more exciting things that happened is Sept was a fire on the hospital floor I was working on... All the staff worked well together - evacuated all the patients and kept everything running smoothly. It wasn't good excitement, but afterwards it was cool that I got to help with such a thing. Made me feel like a bit of a hero for a day or 2! :)

Abi has a couple new toys. She has a lovely swing hanging from the back deck which she could sit in for hours at a time. She loves it, and usually ends up screaming when we finally have to take her out! She also has a new wagon. Actually - I suppose that's more our toy to play with her. Its great for going on walks etc...

We discovered Liberty Ridge Farm this year, and have decided that it is "THE" fall place to go! They have a huge corn maze, a wood fort maze, a little pumpkin maze for little people, little animals, awesome food, games, giant human hamster wheels.... on and on! We've been a couple times now and had sooooo much fun! I love being able to go to places like that and have Abi enjoy it to!

Ty and Beth were just here for a bit and it was awesome! We were so blessed to have them here - they're so special to us. They left on Sunday and Abi is still running around the house saying, "guys??" "Guys!!?" She misses them badly :)

I'm amazed every day by how much Abi is growing, learning and changing. She surprises me every day with new words that I'm shocked she knows... How does she learn all this??? I know that most people wouldn't understand what she's saying yet, but that fact that she and Kris and I do is crazy! There have to be at least 50 words, but I've totally lost count and I'm quite sure there are more! She loves pushing her "baby" around in her stroller, playing with all the tupper-ware in the kitchen, getting into everything she isn't supposed to etc.... She watches me put my make-up on in the morning and comes running in saying, "cheeks! cheeks!!" so that I'll put her blush on. (Don't worry - I don't really put any on, but she likes the brush) :) Man - I'm so afraid that I won't be able to remember all these moments! I try to take soooo many pictures and videos, but I know there are things I'll forget and it makes me sad... Kris and I just love to watch her - its amazing what it does to your hear to watch your little babe. There simply are no words!!

There have been some things lately that we have struggled not to be discouraged about. It is sometimes so hard to trust in God's timing. Sometimes you get frustrated with people, sometimes you get frustrated with yourselves, and sometimes you get frustrated with circumstances. Its all been such a great reminder to me of the fact that I need to continuously seek after God and make Him the center of my life. And so... I seek... for His answers and His blessing. The latter of the two I've already received in so many ways.... One of the greatest being my husband! I love him so :)

2 comments: said...

i love this post. you are such an incredible and beautiful person. i couldn't be prouder of my big sisther.

thecolonelswife said...

a post!!! yeah!!! i hear you about time and forgetting...there are things i've already forgotten and only remember when reading things i've written (thank god for blogs!) or pics/ videos...

discouragement and are clearly going to the right place!

blessings, sis!