Wednesday, April 01, 2009

So excited!

I'm soooo excited!! After almost 4 years of marriage - sleeping in a bed with craters in the middle and putting our clothes in little cubical thingy-bobs... WE ORDERED BEDROOM FURNITURE LAST NIGHT!!! Woohoo!! I can't for it to come in. Now we can finally get our bedroom looking cozy. :) It wasn't that big a priority for us because... well - who sees the bedroom anyway? And there are always so many other things that seem to be more important. But we've been saving for a long time and finally had enough money. Plus with our beautiful tax return we're going to get a new mattress!! I can't wait to be sleeping more comfortably! We were both starting to get more and more uncomfortable on that old mattress. Wow - I feel so blessed...! This picture isn't the best as it doesn't show the dressers, but it was the best I could find. I went on the website of the furniture store that we bought it from and they didn't even have a picture up yet because its so new - so I just hunted the Internet for a while before I found this.

1 comment:

mrs p said...

o my gosh a slay bet!! that is sooo cute and cozy looking. i cant wait to see it