Thursday, January 22, 2009

I've never disliked winter so much!

Somehow this is the end result of a very long sleepless day... How this could be comfortable, I do not know! You know, the parenting class that we took made everything sound so simple - "If you do it like we say, your child will sleep through the night and nap on schedule!" I'm struggling not to be frustrated lately. Abi sleeps well at night for the most part, though every once in a while (and for no apparent reason) she'll go through periods of waking up multiple times a night. The last few nights have been better, and I'm so grateful! At least I'm getting to sleep without getting up every couple hours! We had a few rough weeks before this! Anyway -naps are a battle every day. If this were a war I would surrender - after all I loose the battle almost every single day! We started out good today, but after her morning nap she woke up miserable and was for most of the day. I have no idea why, and she wouldn't take a nap this afternoon. I only wish I had some small clue of how to fix the problem! It seems like if even one small thing messes up her routine then I'm screwed for the next 3 days. That means - no shopping, no projects, no ever leaving the house... I can't do it! I'll go insane!!

I've never struggled so much with winter before. I think that it just might be because I've never been home all winter before - I've always worked and I think that makes it go by quicker. I feel like a shut in lately. Its been to cold to take Abi out and even if it wasn't it messes with her schedule. Even when I'm home I don't get much opportunity to do anything - babies take a lot of time and attention. All I'm saying is that it makes for a very LONG winter!

I long for Spring!

And I need a vacation...


thecolonelswife said...

yeah..that is the way saebella is too. it helped to figure out that we really HAD to keep her on her schedule. the good thing can work around her schedule, you just can't be out all day which shoots down some plans, but hopefully you'll be able to figure out somethings.

thecolonelswife said...

love the new background, by the way!

Amy said...

Winter can be frustrating even without being shut in. If you ever want company let us know, we'd be happy to come over and socialize, or if you ever want to come over here you're always welcome. My mom would love to see Abi, and she'd be thrilled to be a resource, if you ever want to talk baby-napping-strategy with someone.