Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A little of this, A little of that...

I should be working right now, but since I'm not I figured I would take a little time to log some happenings... My blog has become a baby journal and I often forget to put anything else in here. Guess that makes sense really - that is my life right now... ...all things baby! :)

Abi has been teething for about 3 months now, but with no progress. Just chewing on anything and everything that she can get in her mouth and drooling so exceedingly much! Well, this week on Monday I noticed that her bottom gum is actually swollen in the front - so I do believe that she is finally working on cutting teeth. Two at once no less! She's actually been remarkably pleasant for teething, but she's reverted back to not sleeping well for her naps especially so she gets very overtired and cranky by the evening. I don't know if that's teething related or if its something else... Someone told me the other day that 6 months can generally be a time were kids go through changes and it can mess up there sleeping habits. Who knows?!! Not me - I just know that I wish she would nap better! That's when I get the break I need and without it I get a little stressed! Hey - Did I just say 6 months!??! I can't believe that my little baby will be 6 months already next week... where does the time go? Oh, side note on napping... Abi has developed a lovely talent - no matter what time I lay her down for her morning nap she will poop 45 minutes later thus waking her up and destroying any plans for further napping! I don't get it! How does she do it - and for 2 weeks straight. Doesn't matter what time I lay her down - I can try keeping her up longer and it still happens! Doesn't even matter if she's just pooped before that nap - it will still happen! Silly little baby - I hope this will stop soon - its very frustrating!

Work - not much to say - I haven't hardly worked all month. I've worked exactly 2 days this month to be precise. I'm so grateful for God's provision. At the same time that I've been getting no work, Kris has been working an out-of-town job which gives him a higher pay rate. What a blessing - God works all these things out! Its funny really - Kris and I both wanted for me not to have to work at all once we had kids, but that sadly just isn't possible. I need to work just 8 days a month and that pays the mortgage. Needless to say, its actually kinda nice not to have had to work much this month, but the waiting in limbo gets to me. I'm very OCD and I like to plan everything out. It frustrates me to plan all week on working a certain day - then I get up that day, get everything ready and plan to drop Abi off with a friend and go in to work at 3 only to get a phone call at 1 and say - "don't come in." Then my whole day changes and half of what I've done that day is unnecessary. Its a little frustrating. I knew this could happen when I went per-diam, but I didn't think it would go on for this long. Its hard for me not to worry about the "what ifs" too - what if this doesn't change? Will I need to look for a new job? Who knows... Kris keeps having to remind me that we are doing fine and to role with the punches - that's hard for me. But then - again - Maybe that's exactly why this is happening now. I need to learn all over again to rely on God and let him take care of us. For too long we could do just fine on our own. I guess I was too confident in our own abilities - Kinda makes us forget about God and all that He's done for us! I guess I'm grateful for the things in life that help me to get my focus back...

I'm thinking today about our small group and spending some time praying. Kris and I have been small group leaders for a few years now, and its been good. Sometimes harder than others, but good. Its something that we believe God has for us to do and are glad for the opportunity. Its kind of like pastoring a small group of people, but for a while I haven't really felt like we've had the opportunity or necessity to do much of that.... till now. We have a lot of people in our group going through hard times right now. I feel blessed to be able to be there for them, and yet almost overwhelmed - yet only for a moment till I realize that its all in God's very capable hands. Thank God that He is really in charge and knows all things before they happen. I'm praying that I will be at the place in my own walk with God that I need to be in order to minister to and help all these people - our friends.

What else is up? Hmmm - do you have any idea how badly I just want to get the leaves picked up in the yard. I can't believe how hard it is to get to things like that with an infant! How on earth did I think that I would have all this time since I'm home all the time??? Some days I feel really bad, because I feel like I don't get nearly as much done as I should have.... I know that Kris doesn't think this, but sometimes I think to myself that If I was him coming home from work at the end of a hard day, he could look around and say "what on earth do you do all day?" He never has and I know that he understands, but somehow I feel like I should be able to do so much more than I do! Its crazy.

OK, I can't think of anything else to write about right now and I have other important things to do! Must finish dishes, finish laundry, pay the bills and then we'll see if Abner is still sleeping. :) Sorry Merc - I'll try to get to more pictures after that! :)

1 comment:

thecolonelswife said...

beautiful post - I love to hear your heart! it is a hard thing to trust the Lord isn't it? since we've gone missionary status trusting the Lord for money literally weekly (and daily at times) has become a norm - not that we've gotten used to it or even good at it, but just it has been constant for 2 years now. anyway, all that to say, I can relate.

praising the Lord you have such a neat ministry to your small group! i know a bit how to be praying now.

don't ever feel like you didn't accomplish much - taking care of your baby (changing diapers, playing with, reading to, bathing, feeding, etc...) is your ministry as well. I know you know this - I just know all to well how easy it is to forget this. I am certain you are doing a fabulous job being a mother.
